Discussion Topic:
Power, Potential & Prosperity Magnetism
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Do You Ever Ask Yourself, "When Can I Finally Have True Prosperity?"
ALL-NEW DISCOVERY: 'Prosperity' Energy Attunements for Wealth and Manifestation Quantum Leaps in as Little as 24 Hours!
Dr. Alison Reveals How to Make Things EASY!
Helping Me Reach $6 Million* in Sales
One of my main goals with 3M (Magic, Manifestation & Money Flow signature program) was 6 Million in sales in 2021. As of Friday, I was at $5,728,848.90 and so much of that came with grace and ease.
— Patty Sue Landry
In this special offer from Dr. Alison Kay, you will:
- BANISH the Most Persnickety Old Limitations of Prosperity and Power
- UNTETHER You From Your old 'Powers' Old Paradigm and 3D Matrix
- CLEAR out the most nuanced cording to being a victim to anything, anyone, anywhere outside of yourself
- EMBODY the 5D's Highest Vibrations of Joyous Prosperity Co-Creation
- ANCHOR You Firmly in the Unlimited Possibilities Just Now Becoming Available
Dr. Alison's 'Prosperity' Attunements Have Been Called 'Near Magical'…
Start to Reach Your Potential POTENCY on the Material Plane Starting in as Little as 24 Hours!

We are at an unprecedented time in the history of humanity, with the years 2012–2032 considered humanity's greatest evolutionary leap. Where we are right now, in the Chinese Year of the Dragon in 2024, brand new breakthroughs are able to be had. The energies have shifted and are finally becoming unaligned with the crumbling of the old paradigm, where abuses of power, lies, and secrets have come to the surface, and now the new creations can come through.
These energetics are ripe with latent potential and new possibilities. Yet many are not ready for it, and not from lack of trying, either. This is because many are still being tethered to the 3D paradigm in nuanced, hidden, subtle ways.
Dr. Kay Kay has come to You Wealth with this offer in order to facilitate your uncording from the more stealth ways the 3D paradigm is still lingering in the thoughts you don't hear, and leading you to make the same old choices.
Not only will you focus on untethering you from these limiting, hidden blockages and sabotaging influences, but you and Dr. Kay will also be shifting you into allowing your consciousness — at all levels — to open, expand and have activated your keys and codes so you can increasingly welcome the new possibilities.
From here, you'll be able to set yourself free with more ease and grace to make new choices that'll co-create the new.

Your choices will also receive much support as this is one of the areas of Dr. Kay's specialties. She is an expert at helping free folks up to see where they have choice where they weren't, and clearing and activating and intuitively coaching folks to allow themselves to engage in the act of making choices that'll actually be co-creating what it is their intuitive Guidance/
These time are calling for us to move beyond "just manifesting" and learn what it genuinely means — that we are co-creating our lives — and how to own that power in a way that causes you to WANT to make the highest choices for you and your life and living so that you are living up to more of your divine potential.
This co-creation wants — and needs, really — to be done from a positioning more so now of relaxation, joy and trust in a way where you have an ingrained expectation of the Universe and all of life is getting your back, and happening FOR you, no longer TO you.
This, by the way, is not based only on what you already consciously know you desire to co-create, but even more so on what has not yet become consciously allowed or accessed yet. So this work/play is geared towards bringing that forward, and shifting you so you're prepared to choose to create beyond anything you've only slightly sensed is possible for you and your life.
"Too Good to Be True" Is a Dying Sentiment in This New Paradigm!
If there's any triggering, anything short of complete acceptance of that previous statement — then this offer is for you!

If you're aware that you totally are in alignment with that statement that "too good to be true" IS in fact already dead, and that you/
These Packages are designed for optimum effectiveness, with observable change — as soon as possible.
One of Dr. Kay's slogan is "less talk therapy, more effective results, quicker!" Meaning — come out of the story line and be who you want to be!
Dr. Alison Discovered a Startling Secret…
Your Fields Create the Majority of Your Life Experience…
Once You Experience These Radically Transformative Voice Sound Healings from Dr. Alison Kay, you will:
- LIBERATE yourself with new awareness of your own innate power
- MAKE choices from the seat of your power, instead of your limited hidden beliefs and patterns
- SHIFT out of being limited due to anything outside of you, where you've been leaking your power to anyone or anything outside of you, whether obvious or nuanced victim-self-talk
- RESTORE your co-creative empowerment — No more arguing with yourself and rationalizing self-sabotage!
- THRIVE with an increasing desire for more for yourself to live up to more of your divine potential

Package A
Item 1: Radical Self Love
Value: $97
Added for All Purchasers: 30 Days of Remote Energy Transmissions + 3 MP3s
Embrace RADICAL Self Love and See Your Life Course Self-Correct
Remote Transmissions Are Projected Daily, for 30 Days,
Beginning on Date of Purchase
MP3 Total Runtime: 3 Hours

This series of 3 hour long audio mp3s have been specially curated and proven to get great results for folks who are looking for more than just the typical level of self-love.
This next level is more for those who want their subtle energy field to emanate self love, as well as their self-talk to increasingly contain this radical self-love, and their choices as they co-create their lives, to come from this radical self-love.
It's specifically targeted for:
- Empathics
- Over-givers
- Overachievers
- Those wanting to learn how to allow themselves to receive more
- Those who tend to absorb others, or be more affected by those who they live with and interact with on a daily basis
- Codependents
- Those who need to develop boundaries
- Those who seek others' approval

You will be able to improve on these areas:
- Self-liking
- Self-appreciation
- Self Respect
- Intuitive development
- Increased individuality, autonomy
- Decreased "crowd or trend following" mentality
This is the first step in resetting your compass. Your North Star will no longer be the external approval and influence of others, but be guided by your internal knowing and Higher Self.
Item 2: Stop Stopping Yourself and Access Your YES!
Value: $147
Added for All Purchasers: 30 Days of Remote Energy Transmissions + 3 MP3s
Stop Self-Sabotage and Failure-Embracing Behavior
Remote Transmissions Are Projected Daily, for 30 Days,
Beginning on Date of Purchase
MP3 Total Runtime: 3 Hours

These gentle clearings have strong outcomes that will help you clear the resistance and self-sabotage right out of your unconscious and subconscious so that the lower ego-mind vibrations — where you are still trying to play small — are replaced with the higher vibrations of expansion, joy, love and ease. This will align you with higher vibrational thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
Clear out any of the blocks that typically keep you from grounding your presence down into your body, to fully be here, centered in your life in preparation for the UPgrade.
Throughout the clearings and activations within this potent 3-part series, Dr. Kay will skillfully take the most common beliefs that you may be holding towards failure and not reaching your potential and turn them around into the positive — setting you up to fully embody being the active Co-Creator in all areas of your life.
Listening to these clearings and activations repeatedly will have a cumulative effect with opening up your Co-Creator's channel with the relevant frequencies so that your new vibration and new life await you.
Item 3: Stop Being Stuck and Having Stuff Go Slow, So You and Stuff Can Move Forward Now
Value: $55
Runtime: 2 Hours, 12 Minutes
Swiftly Elevate Your Vibrational Energy and Eliminate Fear

Here we will be strongly, emphatically and precisely swiping through any parts of you that remain in connection with the chaos of the collapsing paradigm within your consciousness and field as we remove your cording to the previous phase, to fear and anxiety.
Then you will have strongly activated within you the kick-start to move forward, positioned to receive the benefits and auspiciousness of these times.
We'll shift you into a more positive vibration so you can move forward now, more connected to the field of unlimited possibilities.
We'll raise your vibration in this special, easy and elegant way so the old falls away with more grace and ease and you will then automatically attract different, higher things into your life. Clearings and activations so you can have sluggishness cleared and be supremely activated to move forward now with vastly increased clarity, speed, grace and ease.
A richer, deeper Knowing and Embodying All is Well andYou are Safe whilst clearing anxiousness, "run-away-fear" and worry. You will have balance in your giving and receiving so your self-care in your daily life balances more sweetly with the care you give to others. You'll receive activations boosting your allowing yourself to have increased richness both materially and spiritually.
You Will Also Receive

Self-Mastery Within
Value: $47
Runtime: 1 Hour 33 Minutes
Reclaim Your Self-Mastery Within and Accelerate Your Revenue Stream Growth!

Restore the Natural Order within. This video can accelerate your own spiritual path and your money flows and/
Are you reclaiming your mastery so that you're not at the mercy of anything outside of you?
Learn how to allow yourself to out-create yourself and go beyond what you thought was available to you. Then, as you up-level we can also blast your revenue stream and/
Get ready to restore that natural order within you so you are connected to your power and the Power.

Money Is on Your Side
Value: $47
Runtime: 1 Hour, 42 Minutes
Supremely Boost Your Money Vibrations and UPgrade Your Relationship with Money!

Did you know that what you are struggling with may not be what you think it is? There's widespread confusion that could be spinning you off in an unnecessary struggle of trying to 'heal' a part of you that isn't even wounded.
This is a BIG issue in the healing and spiritual community that Dr. Kay is here to disrupt! There is so much to unravel here but she wants to hone in on a specific area that seems to be where folks need for the MOST help: self-esteem.
It gets thrown around SO loosely: "I have low self-esteem."
It is, in a sense, a perpetrated viewpoint and imprisonment that feeds into an epidemic of being wounded.
Throughout Dr. Kay's decades of doing this work she has consistently been shown this "family" of unconscious and subconscious blocks for Healer types or Intuitives with this particular challenge that then erroneously gets labeled as "low self-esteem".
Yet successful people also have it.
See, this issue of "self-esteem" is a massive webbing of a family of unconscious blocks and beliefs, and some trauma.
You will receive deep, profound clearings that target and dissolve these entwined blocks.
Package B
Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:
Item 4: Increase Your Joy Factor and Invoke Grand New Possibilities
Value: $55
Added for All Purchasers: 30 Days of Remote Energy Transmissions + Video
More Joy, Synchronicities, and Ease in Your Life
Remote Transmissions Are Projected Daily, for 30 Days,
Beginning on Date of Purchase
MP3 Runtime: 1 Hour, 39 Minutes

You will receive Clearings and Activations on your hidden unconscious, subconscious and even conscious blocks around:
- Being more inclined towards joy rather than heaviness and seriousness.
- Where you don't value you and your life so you do.
- Where you have a tendency to go heavy whenever the state of the world, the planet, politics are brought up and an activation of optimism for you, your life, our planet, our politics and our earth.
- Clearing and activation so your joy factor increases and can become your new set point.
- Where you are risk averse and preferring the comfort of the familiar and then activating your willingness to take more risks with blessings so that these'll work to your advantage.

- Accessing and making choices that create a more charmed existence.
- Setting you up to have more synchronicities to help you embody more joy, more typically and easily.
- Wherever and why you don't choose joy and an activation on choosing joy no matter what.
- Activation of more of your light body and hence your lightness.
- Exploration of these new energies and new possibilities and activating them to benefit you and your life path.
Clearing and activation of more of your divine potential in every previously mentioned clearing and activation, but this one specifically directed towards this helping you manifest more consistently, easily, and on command, of what'll create a more JOYous existence.
Item 5: Activate Your Freedom and Prosperity Vibration
Value: $97
Added for All Purchasers: 30 Days of Remote Energy Transmissions + 3 MP3s
Restore Your Authority to Create Your Cash Flow
Remote Transmissions Are Projected Daily, for 30 Days,
Beginning on Date of Purchase
MP3 Total Runtime: 1 Hour

Whether you're still coming from the lack/
This is really strong to take you OUT OF the grip of the external reality of the economy, and RESTORING THE POWER TO YOU as the creator of your cash flows. Quite subtle, back-door clearings are done here, covering all ends of the societal and parental programming around money — freedom is on the other side of these clearings!
Item 6: Two (2) 60-Minute Live Group Sessions with Dr. Alison Kay
Value: $600
3 Videos & 2 Live Calls
Via Zoom
Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 at
3:30pm Pacific / 4:30pm Mountain / 5:30pm Central / 6:30pm Eastern / 10:30pm GMT
Thursday, August 8th, 2024 at
3:00pm Pacific / 4:00pm Mountain / 5:00pm Central / 6:00pm Eastern / 10:00pm GMT
Empowering You to Allow Yourself to Have & Be More in These Brand New Energies, Possibilities and Times!

In these three group Zoom sessions, you'll experience both a sense of sacred community as well as if you were the only one there. After decades of delivering group experiences, your system will be individually addressed by the clearings, activations, frequencies, intuitive reads AND upgrades.
This series of group experiences wants you to be free of any tethering or cording or nuanced ways the old paradigm is still limiting to, whilst releasing you into the incoming new possibilities and potential of the 5D paradigm just beginning to physicalize.
This time is ripe with latent potential in the vibrational backdrop we're living within and the collective unconscious. And the same for your own unconscious and subconscious.
So we're going to be bringing this more forward so you can access this latent power and potential, blasting you with high golden frequencies that help you to shake off old inhibiting patterns and beliefs, conditioning, karma — as appropriate, imprinting, traumas, contracts, vows, and so much more from the now crumbling paradigm and the versions of you connected to it.
Whilst also and if not more so, activating your own latent keys and codes, whilst increasing your own receptivity not just for receiving increased prosperity but also for receiving more support, new opportunities, synchronicities and Guidance.
We'll also be activating the key chakras involved with increasing your magnetism — so that you can also have support shedding the forcing, making it happen, adrenal burn out of the pushing and productivity of the collapsing 3D paradigm. And we'll be activating more of your own subtle energy system and consciousness to make new choices that allow you to manifest and co-create more from relaxation.
Finally, we'll be clearing out where you're blocked with allowing yourself to not only have more than enough money, abundance and prosperity, and activating you to shift into living from a more welcoming "field" and consciousness that screams magnetism to the frequencies of wealth and affluence.
Ultimately, we'll be landing you in an empowered place, where you're more vertically aligned than horizontally, and have graduated from a successful manifester into the empowered co-creator, free and joyous, relaxed and ready to receive, as well as test out your new found power with ease, joy, grace and fun!
The Sessions
Power & Potential
Instant Access
This time is ripe with latent potential in the vibrational backdrop we're living within and the collective unconscious. And the same for your own unconscious and subconscious.
We're going to be bringing this more forward the new energies of this new era so you can access more of this and your own latent power and potential, blasting you with high golden frequencies that help you to shake off old inhibiting patterns and the old paradigm.
Receptivity & Magnetism
Instant Access
In this session, we will be clearing and then activating the key chakras involved with increasing both your receptivity and your magnetism.
We'll also be clearing you and your consciousness at all levels, and then activating you so that you shed as if a snake gaining new skin, the forcing, making it happen, adrenal burnout of the pushing and productivity of the collapsing 3D paradigm.
And we'll be activating more of your own subtle energy system and consciousness so you can make new choices that allow you to manifest and co-create more from relaxation, whilst also allowing your subtle energy system to do more of the work for you via your increased allowing of yourself to receive and increased magnetism throughout your system and field.
Wealth & Affluence
Instant Access
In this final session, we will be clearing out where you're blocked with allowing yourself to not only have more than enough money, abundance and prosperity, as well as then activating you to shift into living from a more welcoming "field" and consciousness that screams magnetism to the frequencies of wealth and affluence.
Ultimately, we'll be landing you in an empowered place, squarely out of wherever your hidden blocks have been connected to being a victim to anything outside of you and the 3D paradigm.
So that you've graduated from a successful manifester into the empowered co-creator, free and joyous, relaxed and ready to receive with your subtle energy system doing more of the work for you — as divinely intended! — leaving you ripe with a fresh start to test out your new found power with ease, joy, grace and fun!
You CAN Have Your Desires Actually Manifest & You Are Deserving
Wednesday, July 17th, 20243:30pm Pacific / 4:30pm Mountain / 5:30pm Central / 6:30pm Eastern / 10:30pm GMT
There are many misunderstandings around what it takes to be able to manifest, and even more so to do so consistently. In this power hour, we will review the main misunderstandings and set you on the course that actually results not only in more efficient and effective manifesting, but as this whole package is devoted to — to help you elevate your game out of manifesting and into aligned co-creation. This way, you'll be positioned to more consistently be able to co-create into physical reality your aligned desires & dreams from a position of empowered sovereignty — the ultimate positioning to optimize yourself, your dreams and life to flourish in these new times. Intuitively Guided and Divinely Aligned clearings & activations based on what you all show me, will abound to position you in this way, not just talk coaching & advice, but of course!
Lion's Gate
Thursday, August 8th, 20243:00pm Pacific / 4:00pm Mountain / 5:00pm Central / 6:00pm Eastern / 10:00pm GMT
The Lion's Gate Portal is an annual cosmic alignment occurring during Leo season, where Earth, Sirius - the brightest star in the sky, and Orion align within the Leo constellation. This alignment creates a potent energy gateway associated with manifestation, spiritual healing, and transformation. In addition, this was the marker each year for the ancient Egyptians of when the Nile would flood, so celebrations of a plentiful harvest and abundance are also imbued into this potent portal. All of these factors will be curated into Divinely Aligned, Intuited from you all, sacred clearings & activations to help maximize your mind, body, spirit and consciousness to be able to spring forward, through this portal, more robustly able to accept and magnetize to you higher frequencies, plentiful harvests, prosperous outcomes and whatever else you all present me with that will most benefit you so that you can shift into a new timeline of even more of your greatest flourishing now.
You Will Also Receive

Empowering Your Manifesting and Co-Creative Genius
Value: $55
Runtime: 65 Minutes
What you'll receive from this Master Class of Energetics to have Mastery over the co-creative process — having risen above just manifesting and working the LOA.
This is what's required more now to thrive in the new era's vibrational backdrop.

These are in clearing out the blockage and activating the positive message and flow format:
- Doubts that you can have what you desire to actually manifest.
- Wherever you leak this power to others and externals and activating YOU to retain this power.
- The need to have to have your manifestations/
creations happen in a certain way and however else you block Surrendering to the omniscience and omnipotence of the Universe/ the Divine, over your own ego-mind's myopic, intellectual perspective.
- That logical format of what has to happen before your desire can manifest; i.e., I need to be _______ in order to have this succeed.
- Difficulties you have with receiving and allowing yourself to receive.
- Difficulties with staying focused on the desired outcome with positive expectancy.
- Where you may fall down on patience.
- Where you're limiting yourself in any way from accessing more of the wondrous possibilities and a grander portion of your Divine potential.

Increased Support from Magical Helpers
Value: $47
Runtime: 1 Hour
Journey Digitally and Energetically to Two Stone Circles of Great Power

This ceremony includes:
Sacred invocations of the playful elementals of the land such as the fairies, dragons and unicorns to become more actively awakened in your field for you to receive increases in joy, guidance, well-being and playful ease.
Amplified frequencies from within an Irish Druidic Stone Circle to set new intentions and a Vibrational UPgrade™ activation to further empower these intentions to more robustly manifest.
This will vastly increase your power and courage to choose and create as you — we each — increasingly become the co-creators we are here to become as the 5th-dimensional paradigm begins to become more grounded.
You will also be given a sacred activation in the 2nd stone circle, the largest stone circle in Ireland, where Harvest ceremonies celebrating Abundance historically occurred.
You'll receive activations for prosperity, aligned abundance and freedom.
You discover a guardian elemental who wants to become more actively involved with you and your life and creations.
Sweet blessings as we attune your heart to increased opening and activation to this new paradigm so you can live with levels of well-being, lightness and relaxation down to a cellular level that we are meant to be moving into now.
Breaking the Momentum on Old, Undesired Patterns and Access the Keys and Codes to Align with the Energies of Your New Golden Era
Runtime: 43 Minutes

Receive powerful clearings and activations to help you:
- Experience heightened intuition
- Increase the synchronicities for you and your life
- Increase your mindset into a more vibrant consciousnes
- Be empowered to confidently co-create the life you desire.
- Be Activated to embrace your inner power more
- Enhance your receptivity for positive and ease filled financial growth
- Increase your self-mastery
- Have Activated your magnetism towards welcoming the unexpected and the magic of the universe to provide more Support for you
- Clear unconscious and subconscious blockages and limiting beliefs, karma, conditioning, family imprints, traumas and more to help you move forward now, into a new life phase with more thriving than you've yet to experience
About Dr. Alison Kay

Dr. Alison J Kay has secrets no one else uses to upgrade, inspire & disrupt old paradigms within her clients, students, community & the collective. Much of the time her clients are mavericks who've been on the path for a long time, as well as folks who've tried everything to get some core blockage and pattern cleared, as well as folks wanting to actually be able to manifest consistently and on command, come to her after they've tried a ton of the mainstream Law of Attraction, Manifesting and Coaching stuff out there, meditated for years, talk therapies, tapping and the other stuff, when they are ready to actually live the spiritual truths and theories, rather than contain it as intellectual fodder only. Dr. Alison helps prepare them to actually allow themselves to genuinely have the results they haven't been able to get through their previous work.
Dr. Alison is considered by her students and clients to be the intuitive channel and spiritual guide who brings forth pure, aligned wisdom that is not her own projections. But rather from her client's own Higher Selves until they've cleared & have activated enough to do it themselves. Meanwhile, Dr. Alison is using techniques she's learned throughout her years including the decade she lived in Asia studying how to get even more robust results for her clients, on their subtle energy that open their field & consciousness up to easier manifesting, revealing synchronistic possibilities that may have seemed out of the blue.
She is an Award Winning, multiple times #1 International Best Selling Author, and the Founder of the Vibrational UPgrade System. She is an experienced subtle energies practitioner and natural healer with a holistic approach towards helping others thrive & unleash more of their latent potential and the new possibilities as they have become readily available more so now than ever before, in mind, body and spirit. This is reinforced by her ten years in Asia studying subtle energies & ancient wisdom.
Dr. Alison's mission is to support the next higher evolution of the collective & create change for the health of this planet and those who are ready to unleash every part of the magic within them.
With 25+ years working in & teaching Yoga, Meditation, Energy Medicine, MindBody Fitness, Longevity and Holistic Health with a specialized focus on the Chakra System, Dr. Alison brings a unique perspective that facilitates massive change.
*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: youwealthrevolution@gmail.com); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.
IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
AFFILIATE COMPENSATION NOTICE: You should assume that the You Wealth Revolution has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of Alison Kay's package, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or before the private session has occurred, or before 11:59pm Eastern on May 24, 2024 (whichever comes first). However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of Alison Kay's package, all requests for refunds must be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period, or before the private session has occurred, or before 11:59pm Eastern on May 24, 2024 (whichever comes first). We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.
**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing youwealthrevolution@gmail.com.