Welcome to Boris Aranovich's Special Offer Page: The Hydrogen Revolution

Interested in Creating MAJOR Improvements in Your Health?

Hydrogen Is the Answer!

Introducing the Hydrogen Revolution — a Universal Therapy and Solutions to Promote Rejuvenation, Detox the Body, Improve Brain Function… and More!

Want to Re-Vitalize, Release and Rejuvenate?
Important Update

Boris Aranovich's Innovative Hydrogen Solutions for Health Tools will help you to:

  • Boost Energy! Radically reduce oxidative stress in the body
  • Protect against premature aging; slow down the aging process at the cellular level
  • Effectively remove toxins and waste products
  • Normalize metabolic processes
  • Increase the secretion of body-like antioxidants
  • Protect your body from free radicals, relieves inflammation and inhibits allergic reactions

The Hydrogen Revolution — a Universal Therapy

Thirty years ago, Boris met with the Russian professor Vladimir Volkov, a practicing physician and researcher. He claimed that all humans are deficient in hydrogen and that it is one of the main causes of various diseases. He argued that the solution to all health problems and a long life lies in adding hydrogen to the body. Professor Volkov has written many books on hydro-gen, one of which is entitled "Live 280 years on Earth", meaning that man could live 280 years, which of course might sound unbelievable. But over time, his theory about adding hydrogen to the body has become increasingly substantiated via a large number of scientific studies.

Today, at least 100 scientific articles on hydrogen in the form of gas and dis-solved in water are published every year. Adding hydrogen to the body affects all kinds of health problems as cells are energized and organs and systems will begin to function better.

Hydrogen is a universal therapy method — more effective than any other therapy as it reaches all the way into the cell and the DNA, reaching the ENTIRE body, all its organs, all its systems. It's THE most effective therapy for health and rejuvenation!

And these days, we are lucky to be able to take advantage of modern technologies which can produce both hydrogen gas and hydrogen water with 99.9% purity. So today, there are truly new, incredible, opportunities available for human health!

What Is Hydrogen Water and Hydrogen Gas?

Hydrogen water is pure water with the addition of hydrogen molecules (H2). Hydrogen is a natural antioxidant that counteracts aging and fights diseases. Hydrogen-activated water is created by electrolysis. The result is an odorless, colorless, and tasteless water that helps improve almost all of the body's functions and fights free radicals in your body. Drinking water with hydrogen and inhaling hydrogen is very beneficial for both adults and children.

Properties of hydrogen water and hydrogen gas:

  • Anti-oxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-allergic
  • Naturally stimulates the energy metabolism in the body
  • Has a generally strengthening effect on the human body

Why Do We Need to Add Molecular Hydrogen to Water?

According to modern scientific concepts, one of the main causes of aging and acute and chronic diseases is reactive oxygen atoms, or oxidants. Our bodies produce free radicals, unstable molecules which form when atoms gain or lose electrons, due to stress, environmental pollution, unhealthy diet or a poor lifestyle. Excessive amounts of free radicals damage our DNA, ribonucleic acid and proteins, leading to cell damage and disease. Learning to neutralize and balance free radicals is key to reducing oxidative stress and maintaining good physical and mental health. Hydrogen attaches to the free radical, neutralizes it and eliminates it from the body.

Molecular Hydrogen Water Has Huge Potential Health Benefits

Studies show that the use of molecular hydrogen water has huge potential health benefits. Below is a very brief summary of the potential health benefits of inhalation of hydrogen and drinking molecular hydrogen water.

Many research studies substantiate the following:

  • Hydrogen acts as an antioxidant that prevents organ and cell damage. It supports and strengthens your natural antioxidant system
  • Hydrogen acts as an anti-inflammatory agent
  • Reduces pain, especially in joints
  • Protects your muscles and improves the effectiveness of your exercise regimen
  • Helps speed up post-workout recovery
  • Helps fight diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndromes
  • Provides protection against cancer and reduces the side effects of chemotherapy in some patients
  • Helps every cell and organ in the body to function at a higher level of efficiency. From eyes to kidneys, brain, heart, reproductive organs, liver, adrenal glands, ears, lungs, skeleton, joints
  • Improves the immune system, fights infections, and reduces cancer risks
  • Protects DNA from radiation damage
  • Helps reduce arthritis in the joints
  • Improves wound healing
  • Helps with weight loss and reduces hunger
  • Helps heal the brain from traumatic injuries and dementia
  • Helps with mood swings
  • Prevents aging skin and tissues
  • During pregnancy, it can reduce toxemia/poisoning and improve fetal brain development as well as reduce autism and cognitive disorders in children
  • Promotes a better PH balance in the blood

When We Add Hydrogen to the Body, Amazing Things Can Happen!

Why? Because the hydrogen molecule is the smallest molecule in the universe and permeates the cell membranes easily and is able to neutralize the negative oxidants — the biochemical properties of the hydrogen molecule make it the best antioxidant known to science!

Improve the Immune System

Reduces oxidative stress, strengthens the immune system cells, reduces inflammation. Drinking 1–1.5 liters of H2-rich water a day is like eating lots of superfoods.

Rejuvenation and More Beautiful Skin

Hydrogen gas and hydrogen water have a noticeably rejuvenating effect on the body as they act at the cellular level and also on the cell nucleus. No other antioxidant can reach that far into the body. It protects the DNA and the RNA from damage and thus slows down the aging process. Hydrogen water and hydrogen gas stimulate the collagen synthesis. A regular use of hydrogen water can dramatically improve the health of the skin, nails and hair, relieve inflammation and reduce wrinkles. It can be used externally for cosmetic procedures. Thanks to its high permeability, the skin becomes soft, moisturized and without redness.


By interacting with free radicals (hydroxyl), hydrogen converts them into water molecules without forming any by-products or causing chain reactions.

This property of hydrogen explains the absence of side effects and contra-indications when using hydrogen therapy.

Improved Metabolism and Normalized Weight

By increasing the production of ATP molecules in the mitochondria, the energy metabolism is improved, which leads to a consistent elimination of body fat as well as a normalized weight.

Both hydrogen gas and hydrogen water have been studied with regards to the metabolism, improvements in fat burning and weight loss, and the results are very encouraging.

Improvement of Brain Function

Hydrogen is the only antioxidant that can easily cross the blood-brain barrier and eliminate oxidants in the brain. Both hydrogen gas and hydrogen water have been studied in relation to brain health, as well as protection against harmful chemicals — all with remarkable results.


Hydrogen has anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic and anti-allergic properties. Drinking hydrogen-rich water for four weeks eliminated an immediate allergic reaction in mice, according to a study in Japan.

Histamine levels in the blood of mice that drank a lot of hydrogen water were lower than in mice that did not.

Boris Is Offering You the HIGHEST Quality Hydrogen Devices and the BEST Prices Available on the Market Today!

Rejuvenate Your Body, Strengthen Your Teeth, Eyes, Skin, Liver, Kidneys, Heart or Any Other Body Part and also Improve the Health of Your Pets! Hydrogen Is THE Answer!

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

Option 1


  • Hydrogen Bottle
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases

Discount: 24% Off

Total Value: $327

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

Shipping: $25 US and International

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Option 2


  • Medium Hydrogen Generator
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases

Discount: 34% Off

Total Value: $1,685

You Wealth Special Offer: $1,117

Shipping: $65 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Option 3


  • Medium Hydrogen Generator
  • Eye Massager
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • Mastering the Art of BioEnegry Healing™ Course
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases
  • BONUS: Effective Breathing for Modern People eBook
  • BONUS: 10 Practical Steps to Rejuvenation eBook

Discount: 44% Off

Total Value: $2,386

You Wealth Special Offer: $1,347

Shipping: $65 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Option 4


  • Large Hydrogen Generator
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • Mastering the Art of BioEnegry Healing™ Course
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases
  • BONUS: Effective Breathing for Modern People eBook
  • BONUS: 10 Practical Steps to Rejuvenation eBook

Discount: 26% Off

Total Value: $3,768

You Wealth Special Offer: $2,792

Shipping: $143 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Option 5


  • Large Hydrogen Generator
  • Eye Massager
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • Mastering the Art of BioEnegry Healing™ Course
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases
  • BONUS: Effective Breathing for Modern People eBook
  • BONUS: 10 Practical Steps to Rejuvenation eBook

Discount: 23% Off

Total Value: $4,074

You Wealth Special Offer: $3,128

Shipping: $159 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Money-Back Guarantee and Return Policy

These products carry a 3-day return policy following receipt of shipment for unused/unopened packages.

These products are considered contact wellness devices. Your satisfaction is SO important to us, yet due to global health regulations and hygiene policies, we cannot accept the return of wellness device products once they have been used on the body or the packaging has been opened. Shipping fees are non-refundable.

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* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Option 1
Option 1

Item 1: Hydrogen Bottle
Item 1: Hydrogen Bottle

Value: $217

** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **

How to Use the Hydrogen Bottle

The Hydrogen Bottle is small but a powerful generator for drinking hydrogen and perfect for travel or work. With the electrolysis method of hydrogen and oxygen separation, high concentration hydrogen is electrolyzed from ordinary drinking water and merged into the water to produce high concentration hydrogen water.

Compared to other small bottles on the market, this generator produces a satisfactory concentration of hydrogen in water, and suitable hydrogen for inhalation for preventive care. Its compact size is easy to carry around and perfect when traveling.


  • Hydrogen Bottle Generator
  • Inhalation Tube
  • USB Cable Charger

Size: 400ml capacity

With Each Option, You Will Also Receive These Bonuses
With Each Option, You Will Also Receive These Bonuses

Bonus #1
Bonus #1

Hormone System

Value: $40


Runtime: 15 Minutes

This powerful THM audio is an energy-infused sound treatment that targets healing energies specifically for the hormone system to improve function, while balancing, strengthening, and rejuvenating.

The method is very effective, providing more concrete, faster and effective support than any other healing modality currently out there.

Bonus #2
Bonus #2

Private Facebook Group "Health Concepts of the Future"

Value: $70

Online Community

Boris and Annette have created the Health Concepts of the Future private online Facebook community — a place for you to share your experiences, challenges, insights, and successes as you use these innovative health solutions in your life.

This interactive group is a space where you can ask questions and get answers as you navigate the program components. See what your fellow users are experiencing. It's a great space to engage, share and learn!

Participate in this growing community when convenient for you.

You'll receive support and encouragement as you share your progress on this transformational journey.

Bonus #3
Bonus #3

Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases

Value: $50


Thanks to their small size, hydrogen molecules can reach all the way into the cells and de-oxidize the mitochondria, the DNA molecules and the genes. This is what distinguishes hydrogen therapy from other treatments. It is oxidation in the cells that can cause premature aging and many serious diseases.

In this booklet, Boris explains the enormous possibilities hydrogen enables when it comes to creating a long and healthy life.

With This Option, You Will Receive:

  • Hydrogen Bottle
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases

Add an Additional Hydrogen Bottle — $239

Plus Shipping: $25 US & International

Option 1

Discount: 24% Off

Total Value: $327

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

Shipping: $25 US and International

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Option 2
Option 2

Includes Bonuses 1–3, PLUS:

Item 2: Medium Hydrogen Generator
Item 2: Medium Hydrogen Generator

Value: $1,010

** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **

How to Use the Medium Hydrogen Generator

The Medium Hydrogen Generator offers a direct inhalation with a large amount of hydrogen creating a strong therapeutic effect for the whole body. It generates a rapid hydrogen saturation of water for drinking and cosmetic use.

This medium sized generator produces an output of 150 ml/minute, ideal for both inhaling and drinking.

Note: A power adapter to convert Euro 220volt to 110volt is required. The adapter is available in many retail locations and online.


  • Medium Hydrogen Generator
  • Hydrogenating rod
  • 2 Sets of inhalation tubes

Item 3: 21-Day Live Tibetan Healing Miracle Transmissions with Boris
Item 3: 21-Day Live Tibetan Healing Miracle Transmissions with Boris

Value: $290

Remote Transmissions

Begins Wednesday, April 10th, 2024

Radically Improve Your Joy and Happiness in Life with This Powerful 21-Day Live Healing Transmission from Boris!

Every day for 21 days, dramatically boost your happiness and joy levels. The Tibetan Healing Miracle Transmissions, with its secret techniques of the Tibetan monks, can effectively improve the body's inner processes and create miraculous results.

Improve the production of endorphins and learn to manage life challenges more easily. The elevated levels of the emotion of joy aides with releasing blockages, traumas, and negative memories.

Experience one of the highest vibrations available today!

Boris offers the Live Tibetan Healing Miracle Transmissions remote healings every day for 20 minutes over 21 consecutive days, starting on April 10th, 2024. Boris recommends that you go about your daily affairs in a tranquil, centered way during the transmission. Regardless of where you are or what you are doing you will receive the benefits of the transmission.

Item 4: Wize Training™
Item 4: Wize Training™

Value: $275

17 Videos

Total Runtime: 30 Minutes

Effective Visualization Exercises for the Mind

Wize Training™ are innovative visualizations and exercises for the mind that can be very helpful for your health.

By creating movement and energy in the body. These exercises are perfect for everyone and in particular for the elderly and people with disabilities.

It is a well-known fact that almost all health problems are linked to a poor administration of nutrients and oxygen to the cells and an insufficient removal of waste products, toxins and dead cells.

The original cause is often stagnation in the body including contaminated and sluggish blood vessels resulting in thicker blood causing stagnation in the lymphatic system and in the intercellular fluids. That is why people are advised to exercise — to reduce stagnation. And this is important! But physical movement does not always reach and affect the body deeply enough.

This program is probably the easiest way imaginable if you want to get your body into shape without a physical regimen and can be done from your couch! The exercises in Wize training™ are based on energetic visualizations, using your hands, and visualizing energetic stretchings and pulsations with the help of animations, music and holding the breath. The visualization techniques we're using have been tested for many years and have been scientifically proven to be very effective in a number of studies. So they truly work, are fun and effective, and can be very helpful for a large number of people!

Wize Training™ Modules include Visualization Exercises to:

  • Strengthen the respiratory system
  • Improve spinal functions
  • Strengthen female & male health
  • Normalize the blood pressure
  • Lose weight
  • Improve the immune system
  • Balance the hormones
  • Strengthen the joints
  • Improve the gastrointestinal tract
  • Improve the urinary system
  • Strengthen the teeth
  • Reduce insomnia
  • Enhance beauty
  • Strengthen muscle mass
  • Strengthen the eyes
  • Improve the body's regulatory functions

With This Option, You Will Receive:

  • Medium Hydrogen Generator
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases

Add an Additional Hydrogen Bottle — $239

Plus Shipping: $25 US & International

Option 2

Discount: 34% Off

Total Value: $1,685

You Wealth Special Offer: $1,117

Shipping: $65 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Option 3
Option 3

Includes everything in Option 2, PLUS:

Item 5: Hydrogen Eye Massager Glasses
Item 5: Hydrogen Eye Massager Glasses

Value: $306

** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **

How to Use the Hydrogen Eye Massager

The Hydrogen Eye Massager Glasses are a completely unique way to treat the eyes. This eye massager produces a direct supply of hydrogen in the form of steam to the eyes and the skin around the eyes.

When the tiny hydrogen molecules penetrate the eyes, a strong therapeutic effect is given. This treatment eliminates eye fatigue and reduces wrinkles around the eyes. This strengthens them and balances the nervous system. If you have puffy eye bags due to internal issues, it is beneficial to use cold steam for 10 minutes twice a day to remove the puffiness.

Benefits of the Hydrogen Eye Massager:

  • Promotes blood circulation around the eyes, reduces dark circles and dry lines around the eyes.
  • Alleviating or reducing visual fatigue caused by overuse of eyes resulting from work, study, driving, staying up late, and environmental changes.
  • Moisturizing, hot compress, and cold compress physical therapy for dry eyes, pain and other uncomfortable symptoms caused by dry eye.

Note: A power adapter to convert Euro 220volt to 110volt is required. The adapter is available in many retail locations and online.

Item 6: Mastering the Art of BioEnergy Healing™
Item 6: Mastering the Art of BioEnergy Healing™

Value: $345

5 Videos & 5 PDFs

Total Runtime: 56 Minutes

The energy created by the cells via the metabolism is not usually enough to propel physiological and mental processes, particularly not if the aging process has started. This is why ailments, diseases and also psychological problems develop.

But there is another kind of energy, which we can use to compensate for the lack of cellular energy. This energy is called Prana, or Qi, and has been used for a very long time in Eastern medicine. We, too, can use this energy to create and maintain health!

You will learn how to correct your body regularly, easily, every day. The more experienced you become, the less time it takes, for example, to correct your internal organs, move your vertebrae back to the right position or improve the blood circulation in different parts of the body. This healing course differs from all the other methods out there as its animations, images and music makes the learning easy and FUN — for everyone — at their own pace.

In this 5-webinar series, you will learn how to heal both yourself and others and learning process itself will have a profound healing effect on your body.

Included in the 5-Part Series:

  1. Regularly Correcting Body Functions
  2. Correcting Internal Organs with the Help of Energy
  3. Treat the Right Organ
  4. Strengthen the Body's Healing Ability
  5. Create Beauty with the Help of Energy

With Options 3, 4, and 5, You Will Also Receive These Bonuses
With Options 3, 4, and 5, You Will Also Receive These Bonuses

Bonus #4
Bonus #4

Effective Breathing for Modern People

Value: $25

PDF eBook

Boris Aranovich has written a fascinating book that gives us practical recommendations on how to use breathing exercises to normalize the body's functions.

Built on his long experience of using various breathing methods, Boris developed his own breathing methods which include breathing with a breathing device — SmartBreathe™ — and breathing while doing certain physical exercises.

The book is very interesting, easy to read and is meant to be a practical tool for improving personal health and rejuvenation.

Bonus #5
Bonus #5

10 Practical Steps to Rejuvenation

Value: $25

PDF eBook

Want to look younger but don't want to undergo expensive, repetitive, and painful cosmetic treatments or surgery? This eBook will help you change your thoughts and approach to rejuvenation and health completely — an approach that is the only way to real and lasting effects.

True rejuvenation comes from the inside, and your looks are mainly a result of the condition of your hormone system, of your gastro-intestinal tract and other organs — your skin is entirely dependent on how well your inner organs function!

So, if you want a real full-body rejuvenation and look much younger than you are on paper — and supercharge your health at the same time — this unique eBook is your guide to the true fountain of youth!

With This Option, You Will Receive:

  • Medium Hydrogen Generator
  • Eye Massager
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • Mastering the Art of BioEnegry Healing™ Course
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases
  • BONUS: Effective Breathing for Modern People eBook
  • BONUS: 10 Practical Steps to Rejuvenation eBook

Add an Additional Hydrogen Bottle — $239

Plus Shipping: $25 US & International

Option 3

Discount: 44% Off

Total Value: $2,386

You Wealth Special Offer: $1,347

Shipping: $65 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Option 4
Option 4

Includes Items 3, 4, 6, and Bonuses 1–5, PLUS:

Item 7: Large Hydrogen Generator
Item 7: Large Hydrogen Generator

Value: $2,538

** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **

How to Use the Large Hydrogen Generator

The Large Hydrogen Generator offers a direct inhalation of hydrogen enabling a good therapeutic effect for the whole body. It also produces a rapid hydrogen saturation of water for drinking and cosmetic purposes.

It has two outputs for hydrogen, and offers the possibility for two people to inhale hydrogen simultaneously. You also can inhale and treat a body part at the same time! Optimum choice if you have serious disease* or work as a practitioner.

This largest device produces 600 ml of hydrogen/minute, and it provides the optimum therapeutic effect.

Note: A power adapter to convert Euro 220volt to 110volt is required. The adapter is available in many retail locations and online.

With This Option, You Will Receive:

  • Large Hydrogen Generator
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • Mastering the Art of BioEnegry Healing™ Course
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases
  • BONUS: Effective Breathing for Modern People eBook
  • BONUS: 10 Practical Steps to Rejuvenation eBook

Add an Additional Hydrogen Bottle — $239

Plus Shipping: $25 US & International

Option 4

Discount: 26% Off

Total Value: $3,768

You Wealth Special Offer: $2,792

Shipping: $143 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Option 5
Option 5

Includes Items 3, 4, 6, and Bonuses 1–6, PLUS:

Item 8: Large Hydrogen Generator and Eye Massager Bundle
Item 8: Large Hydrogen Generator and Eye Massager Bundle

Value: $2,844

** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **

How to Use the Large Hydrogen Generator

The Large Hydrogen Generator offers a direct inhalation of hydrogen enabling a good therapeutic effect for the whole body. It also produces a rapid hydrogen saturation of water for drinking and cosmetic purposes.

It has two outputs for hydrogen, and offers the possibility for two people to inhale hydrogen simultaneously. You also can inhale and treat a body part at the same time! Optimum choice if you have serious disease* or work as a practitioner.

This largest device produces 600 ml of hydrogen/minute and it provides the optimum therapeutic effect.

Note: A power adapter to convert Euro 220volt to 110volt is required. The adapter is available in many retail locations and online.

The Hydrogen Eye Massager Glasses are a completely unique way to treat the eyes. This eye massager produces a direct supply of hydrogen in the form of steam to the eyes and the skin around the eyes. When the tiny hydrogen molecules penetrate the eyes, a strong therapeutic effect is given. This treatment eliminates eye fatigue and reduces wrinkles around the eyes. This strengthens them and also balances the nervous system. If you have puffy eye bags due to internal issues, it is beneficial to use cold steam for 10 minutes twice a day to remove the puffiness.

Benefits of the Hydrogen Eye Massager:

  • Promotes blood circulation around the eyes, reduces dark circles and dry lines around the eyes.
  • Alleviating or reducing visual fatigue caused by overuse of eyes resulting from work, study, driving, staying up late, and environmental changes.
  • Moisturizing, hot compress, and cold compress physical therapy for dry eyes, pain and other uncomfortable symptoms caused by dry eye.

Note: A power adapter to convert Euro 220volt to 110volt is required. The adapter is available in many retail locations and online.

With This Option, You Will Receive:

  • Large Hydrogen Generator
  • Eye Massager
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • Mastering the Art of BioEnegry Healing™ Course
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases
  • BONUS: Effective Breathing for Modern People eBook
  • BONUS: 10 Practical Steps to Rejuvenation eBook

Add an Additional Hydrogen Bottle — $239

Plus Shipping: $25 US & International

Option 5

Discount: 23% Off

Total Value: $4,074

You Wealth Special Offer: $3,128

Shipping: $159 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Special Added Bonus Expires Sunday at MidnightSpecial Added Bonus EXPIRED

Nervous System


Runtime: 15 Minutes

This powerful THM audio is an energy-infused sound treatment that targets healing energies specifically for the nervous system to improve function, while balancing, strengthening, and rejuvenating.

The method is very effective, providing more concrete, faster and effective support than any other healing modality currently out there.

Option 1


  • Hydrogen Bottle
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases

Discount: 24% Off

Total Value: $327

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

Shipping: $25 US and International

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Option 2


  • Medium Hydrogen Generator
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases

Discount: 34% Off

Total Value: $1,685

You Wealth Special Offer: $1,117

Shipping: $65 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Option 3


  • Medium Hydrogen Generator
  • Eye Massager
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • Mastering the Art of BioEnegry Healing™ Course
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases
  • BONUS: Effective Breathing for Modern People eBook
  • BONUS: 10 Practical Steps to Rejuvenation eBook

Discount: 44% Off

Total Value: $2,386

You Wealth Special Offer: $1,347

Shipping: $65 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Option 4


  • Large Hydrogen Generator
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • Mastering the Art of BioEnegry Healing™ Course
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases
  • BONUS: Effective Breathing for Modern People eBook
  • BONUS: 10 Practical Steps to Rejuvenation eBook

Discount: 26% Off

Total Value: $3,768

You Wealth Special Offer: $2,792

Shipping: $143 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Option 5


  • Large Hydrogen Generator
  • Eye Massager
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • Mastering the Art of BioEnegry Healing™ Course
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases
  • BONUS: Effective Breathing for Modern People eBook
  • BONUS: 10 Practical Steps to Rejuvenation eBook

Discount: 23% Off

Total Value: $4,074

You Wealth Special Offer: $3,128

Shipping: $159 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Money-Back Guarantee and Return Policy

These products carry a 3-day return policy following receipt of shipment for unused/unopened packages.

These products are considered contact wellness devices. Your satisfaction is SO important to us, yet due to global health regulations and hygiene policies, we cannot accept the return of wellness device products once they have been used on the body or the packaging has been opened. Shipping fees are non-refundable.

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NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)


About Boris Aranovich

Boris Aranovich's headshot

Boris Aranovich is a Russian-Swedish scientist, a radio show host, an internationally acclaimed speaker in the alternative health field, a well-known author of 14 books, including Effective Breathing for Modern People", Doctor Mind and Be the Master of your Health.

Boris has been professionally active for 40 years within the field of alternative medicine and has created a number of therapy and wellness modalities used by thousands of people worldwide.

Boris continues to develop new innovative health practices at his company Manniskans Resurser AB.

1987–1991 — Principal at the University of Alternative Medicine, St. Petersburg, Russia.

2003 — Founded the company Manniskans Resurser AB, where he is still MD.

2009 — Hosts a Swedish radio show called Better and Better Every Day

Boris Aranovich is also an active member of the organization International Association for Professional Medical Specialists, in the field of both alternative and traditional medicine.

Boris Aranovich has earned a Master's Degree from the International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection Sciences (IAELPS).

Research Participation

1991 — Research at the Institute of Physical Education in St. Petersburg: Effect of Mental Training on Sports Performance.

1997 — Research on the effects of ideomotor movements on brain rhythms, University of Washington, Seattle, USA

2010 — Research at Karolinska Institutet: Effects of a Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Field on Fibroblast Migration and Proliferation.

2011 — Improvement of Human Health State after Short-Term Training of the SmartBreathe Method, Shenzhen, China

2013 — Effects of Smart Breathe in Community Dwelling Elderly of New Delhi, India

Books and Programs

Boris Aranovich is the author of 14 books and 3 interactive programs about health.

Annette Graucob's headshot

Annette Graucob, Marketing Director at MR AB.

Annette spent the first half of her professional career in the international media arena. But some 15 years ago, her focus and passion turned direction completely — empowering people to find their inner strength and joy became much more important. Annette is now able to do so as an intuitive artist and as a co-worker at the innovative alternative health company MR AB, which focuses on helping people to restore health and happiness.

Option 1


  • Hydrogen Bottle
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases

Discount: 24% Off

Total Value: $327

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

Shipping: $25 US and International

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Option 2


  • Medium Hydrogen Generator
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases

Discount: 34% Off

Total Value: $1,685

You Wealth Special Offer: $1,117

Shipping: $65 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Option 3


  • Medium Hydrogen Generator
  • Eye Massager
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • Mastering the Art of BioEnegry Healing™ Course
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases
  • BONUS: Effective Breathing for Modern People eBook
  • BONUS: 10 Practical Steps to Rejuvenation eBook

Discount: 44% Off

Total Value: $2,386

You Wealth Special Offer: $1,347

Shipping: $65 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Option 4


  • Large Hydrogen Generator
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • Mastering the Art of BioEnegry Healing™ Course
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases
  • BONUS: Effective Breathing for Modern People eBook
  • BONUS: 10 Practical Steps to Rejuvenation eBook

Discount: 26% Off

Total Value: $3,768

You Wealth Special Offer: $2,792

Shipping: $143 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Option 5


  • Large Hydrogen Generator
  • Eye Massager
  • 21-Day Remote Healing Transmissions
  • WIZE Training™ Program
  • Mastering the Art of BioEnegry Healing™ Course
  • BONUS: Hormone System MP3
  • BONUS: Private Facebook Community
  • BONUS: Hydrogen Against Aging and Diseases
  • BONUS: Effective Breathing for Modern People eBook
  • BONUS: 10 Practical Steps to Rejuvenation eBook

Discount: 23% Off

Total Value: $4,074

You Wealth Special Offer: $3,128

Shipping: $159 US and International
Delivery time is 3–4 weeks from date of purchase

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on November 12th, 2023

Money-Back Guarantee and Return Policy

These products carry a 3-day return policy following receipt of shipment for unused/unopened packages.

These products are considered contact wellness devices. Your satisfaction is SO important to us, yet due to global health regulations and hygiene policies, we cannot accept the return of wellness device products once they have been used on the body or the packaging has been opened. Shipping fees are non-refundable.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: youwealthrevolution@gmail.com); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.

IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

AFFILIATE COMPENSATION NOTICE: You should assume that the You Wealth Revolution has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of Boris Aranovich's wellness products, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or until 3 days of receipt of your returned shipment of unused/unopened packages (due to international hygiene rules on wellness device products), or until 11:59 pm Eastern November 12th, 2023, which is before the live sessions begin (whichever comes first). Additionally, Shipping fees are non-refundable. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of Boris Aranovich's wellness products, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or until 3 days of receipt of your returned shipment of unused/unopened packages, or until 11:59 pm Eastern November 12th, 2023 (whichever comes first). Additionally, Shipping fees are non-refundable. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing youwealthrevolution@gmail.com.