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Q&A - Total Abundance:
Diving into the 7 Well Springs of Life!
Discussion Topic:
Total Abundance:
Diving into the 7 Well Springs of Life!
76% OFF Discount — Join the Program
Enrollment: Now Open
IMPORTANT: Reserve Your Private Energy Session w/ Jimmy Mack
(Limited Spaces Available)
ATTENTION: Are You Suffering from Physical, Emotional, or Money Challenges…?
DISCOVERY: A New Tool to Create Miracles and Live in Divine Flow with Universal Abundance
Why Is It So Fast?
Jimmy Clears at 4 Layers:

DNA Level
This level is just what it sounds like, cellular level down to your DNA, cells, bone marrow.

Core Level
This level is from this life, starting at conception and continuing to the present day.

History Level
This level is from all of your past lives.

Soul Level
This level is the spirit inside of each of us that connects back up to God.
Within 3 days I found $45,000 I did not know I had, and a week later a new $1000 client found me in the most interesting way which had not happened for years.
— el Ma Ra
In this POWERFUL Quantum Upgrade from Jimmy Mack, you will:
- LEARN How You Can Tap Into The My Liquid Fish Cosmic Portal To Shift and Clear Energetic Wellness Blocks On Multiple Levels and Dimensions.
- GET Tools For Resetting And Renewing Your Daily Energetic Hygiene Keeping Your Vibrational Frequency Field Clear and Running Forward.
- ENTER A Space Of Quantum Level Wellness Where You'll Transform Body, Mind, and Spirit, Health, Wealth, Career and Relationship Issues Faster and Deeper Than Ever Before.
- CLEAR Blocks In Life And Repair and Reprogram Your Fragmented and Damaged Files Allowing You To Reset, Reboot and Download the 2.0 Improved Version of Yourself!
Take the 21-Day Challenge with My Liquid Fish™ Change Made Simple™ to Make Massive Strides in Your Life

Take a swim with us into the very essence of a balanced, renewed and healthy life. We'll give you all the tools and guide you step by step for how and what to fish and clear each morning in JUST MINUTES a day. You'll get a fresh energetic start each day aligning with and resetting all 7 wellsprings of life and after 21 days of this daily practice, you will notice your life is improving and running smoother without even trying. Together we'll get you off the beach and into a replenished flow of the river of life!
Are you ready to commit to doing your part to co-create change with Spirit?
What Jimmy asks is that you have the intention to fish daily for a minimum of 21 days. We want you to truly notice the changes and ease that can show up in your life when using this simple daily practice of My Liquid Fish™ Change made simple™. This really can be FUN, because the more you play with IT, the more IT plays with you!
This offer is layered and designed for you to apply to your life in a specific way item by item. As much as My Liquid Fish™ is meant to be "liquid" and flowing to be adapted to your individual life routine, we've found that people also want to be guided by the best practices and follow steps at times. So we are providing that for you, both new fishers or long-timers will love it!
We created an exciting new exclusive item only available here. READ through the new Sunrise Fishing Guide and receive specific statements to fish daily. They are intentionally delivered in a series of visual graphics that can easily be scrolled through on your mobile device.

With the MyBeliefWorks™ clearing audio items and bonuses you will sit back and LISTEN as you become immersed in the My Liquid Fish™ Change made simple™ cosmic energy clearings that Jimmy has encoded on each clearing audio MP3. You can focus on specifics when needed and at other times listen on low volume to bathe in the energies and frequencies as you hear Jimmy's soothing voice.
Then moving onto the video clearings, you'll get an up close experience as you WATCH Jimmy's powerful group clearings touching on over 200 items whose healing frequencies are enhanced by the collective energy of the entire group of listeners now and in the future.
Other items included are designed to allow you to INTEGRATE, ALIGN and EXPAND so this reset of your 7 wellsprings of life becomes sustainable and keeps improving over time.
And if you choose Package B, you'll get a private one-on-one EXPERIENCE of the changes that are possible and truly see how FAST Jimmy can get you there with his intuitive insights!
Now Is Your Chance to Truly Co-Create with Spirit and Sail into a Sea of Abundance and Flow!
Embark on a Deeply Potent Upgrade Adventure with Jimmy Mack, where you will:
- Notice Your Life Is Improving and Running Smoother Without Even Trying After 21 Days of This Daily Practice.
- Feel Lighter and More Empowered.
- Notice It Feels Like Fun, Knowing That the More You Play with IT, the More IT Plays with You!
- See Pathways to Abundance And Wealth Open Up in Unexpected (and Expected) Ways!

Package A
Item 1: Sunrise Fishing Guide
Value: $37
Exclusively Available in This Offer, Never Before Released Anywhere!

Fishermen call the sunrise time of day "the morning bite" when the darkness is dissipating and the sun is rising to shine the light a fresh new day. This is an ideal time to energetically cleanse yourself each morning.
For the first time ever, we've put together a done-for-you fishing statement guide to walk you through a 10-minute sunrise daily fishing routine. It's intentionally delivered in a series of visual graphics that can easily be scrolled through on your mobile device.
Consider this just like brushing your teeth, or washing your hands every day.
Fishing these statements is the baseline of "energetic hygiene" that sets the stage for cumulative improvements in your day-to-day life. When you hear me saying my mantra of "make a little progress every day" THIS is an example of what I'm talking about!
Item 2: MyBeliefWorks™ for Healing Physical Body Disorders & Diseases
Value: $57
Runtime: 30 Minutes
Release Energetic and Spiritual Issues from All Levels of Your Being!

A customized listening session containing over 120 specific clearings for healing your body's physical disorders, issues, challenges, conditions, and illnesses.
Dedicate each listening session of this audio to one specific challenge and/or issue in order to spiritually and energetically release and erase that individual issue on all levels including DNA, Core, History, Soul Levels, and more.
Item 3: MyBeliefWorks™ for Healing Mental & Emotional Stressors
Value: $57
Runtime: 35 Minutes
Over 120 Clearings for Specific Mental and Emotional Challenges

A customized listening session containing over 120 specific clearings for healing and freeing you up from mental, emotional stressors, challenges, mental illness, disease, disorder or a "labeled" diagnosis, i.e.: People with ADD, ADHD, bipolar disorder even stress, tension, fear, guilt.
Item 4: Uplifting the Cornerstones of Your Glorious Life
Value: $27
Runtime: 36 Minutes
Receive More Love, Health, Money and Start Living Better

This group clearing video event was all about "Uplifting the Cornerstones of Your Glorious Life: Love, Health, Money".
Over 100 clearing items were separated into 3 sections:
- Receiving Love in All Forms
- Enjoying Better Health, Life and Living
- Receiving Money to Improve Your Life.
Item 5: Reinvigorating Your Work Life Switches
Value: $27
Runtime: 28 Minutes
Transform Negativity into Positivity with Your Work Life

This group clearing video event was all about Reinvigorating Your Work Life Switches and we once again had some amazing contributions that will benefit all listeners. We broke the items down into clearings for Negativity, Fear and Worry; Next Steps, New Direction and Motivation; and Positive Affirmations all in support of the Work Life theme.
These calls go fast: we're striving for quality over quantity and know too that Jimmy brings in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expands on things and covers the clearings in a much deeper way.
You Will Also Receive

MyBeliefWorks™ for the Gold Coin: Creating Financial Increases in All Forms
Value: $57
Runtime: 30 Minutes

This is one of Darius' all-time favorite audios and he has a great story about his first experience using it. The Gold Coin audio is about being in vibrational frequency with money in all forms including gold/silver, crypto-currency, digital and paper. Creating an energetic alignment for experiencing increases in all financial forms of investing, savings, retirement plans, trading Forex, stocks & bonds and increasing luck and favorable odds in the lottery and games of chance — this would include of course casino's, gambling, and betting — it's all in here! You may even hear words or terms you're not familiar with and those are for private traders who will gamble on the stock market from their homes!

DAILY GPS RESET: Fishing the Files
Value: $87
5 MP3s & 1 PDF
Runtime: 44 Minutes

These audio clearings are separated out into 5 individual files so that you can download and play each individually throughout that part of your day; morning motivation, afternoon perseverance and evening wind down into a restful slumber.
Use it to assist in setting your positive intentions for the day and getting motivated and energized in the AM, to stay on track and keep making progress in the afternoon and to slow down and wash away the day's negativity in order to have a peaceful evening and slumber. Play it often as the prayer energy will go to work for you!
It also includes a popular one-of-a-kind recording called: "911: Break Glass Only In Case of Emergency" This clearing audio is specifically designed for those unfortunate, memorable days of losing a job, battling legal issues, unfavorable medical news, sudden accidents or news of a loved one having an issue out of your control where sometimes all you can do is PRAY!This section is an auto-pilot prayer for you and does the heavy lifting.

MyBeliefWorks™ for Elevating and Infusing Your Enthusiasm for Life
Value: $57
5 MP3s & 1 PDF
Runtime: 24 Minutes

Amidst all of the political strife, natural disasters, issues with the economy, inflation, health and relationships impending doom and gloom in the world view — now more than ever, we need to rekindle the positive enthusiasm we once had for our lives.
Listening to this audio will support you in elevating your observations of life's blessings, taking time for yourself, reconnecting with loved ones and also honoring your guidance and empowering you to take the actions that will lead you to accomplishing your goals with enthusiasm!
Includes: BONUS PRAYERS for Elevating and Infusing Your Enthusiasm for Life. Four individual MP3s for Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Bedtime prayers for keeping you on track, raising your enthusiasm and positive vibes. Each audio contains powerful words that will compliment the main audio keeping your enthusiasm elevated throughout your day and night cycle. Simply take from 3–5 minutes to listen to these individual tracks at the specific time of YOUR day as needed.
Package B
Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:
Item 6: 30-Minute Private Session with Jimmy Mack
Value: $75
Via Phone, Signal, Skype, Telegram or WhatsApp

This private transformative 30-minute one-on-one session with Jimmy is unlike sessions offered by other healers/practitioners. Jimmy has the gift and talent of working very fast using the My Liquid Fish™ technique.
During your session, you and Jimmy will discuss your list of main issues of the moment and co-create the changes together. As a medical intuitive, he has the ability to pin-point and work on your issues related to an illness, disease, or discomfort and much more. He will clear a variety of key/
After this transformative session, clients have experienced instant changes and have come away with a greater sense of hope and peace.
You'll book your session through Jimmy's online calendar and you'll be able to get on his schedule typically between 7–10 days of your purchase. This gives you time to work with the clearing tools prior to your appointment. Things can and will change for you using the items included here, so by the time you see Jimmy, he can hone in on what's STILL keeping you stuck and release it on the deepest levels.
Note: Session MUST be scheduled within 45 days of purchase, or will be voided without refund.
Item 7: 30-Minute Live Group Session with Jimmy Mack
Value: $27
Via Zoom
Thursday, May 30th, 2024 at
1:00pm Pacific / 2:00pm Mountain / 3:00pm Central / 4:00pm Eastern / 8:00pm GMT
Strengthening the 7 Well Springs of Life

This call is unique in that all listeners have the benefit of tapping into a multitude of issues that have been compiled on a specific topic that Jimmy will clear alongside with Spirit.During this 30-minute event, you will watch in silence and amazement as you hear and feel the shifts of nearly 100 items — most of which you haven't even thought of until you hear them LIVE!!
You will have the chance to contribute to the collective by writing in and submitting your intentions for yourself, your loved ones and for the world to be cleared on the call. And know too that during the LIVE call, Jimmy brings in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that expands on things and covers the clearings in a much deeper way.
Note: This is a 30-minute LIVE Zoom call. Whether or not you can attend the live call — you WILL receive the clearings either way whenever you listen.The replay recordings will be posted on the package download page after each live call.
You Will Also Receive

MyBeliefWorks™ for Being in Divine Flow with Universal Abundance
Value: $57
Runtime: 40 Minutes

The Universal Abundance audio MP3 is part of our most popular series called The Prosperity Collection and is all about being more in the vibration of abundance and lining you up with the frequency of money and good fortune. This particular MP3 took over 1 year to download from Spirit and it goes deep to combine your abilities to create wealth while still keeping you grounded on this earth plane.
This has been a game-changer for a lot of folks. Several listeners, including Jimmy, have noticed tremendous increases in production and income after listening to the audio one time! This audio could be the crown jewel in our ongoing quest of creating newfound wealth for you!

MyBeliefWorks™ for Family Relationships Healing Hurts and Improving Lives
Value: $57
Runtime: 30 Minutes

Listening to this audio can help smooth out and release excess family hurts, feelings and upsets that have been years in the making and allow these events to wash away now. Marriage, divorce, birth, death, co-parenting, and that relative that causes us to cringe. Yep, it's all in here. If you dread holidays and family get-togethers, this is for you. If your parents or family never approved of your career/life choices or any of your romantic partners, these 30 minutes could make a lifetime of a difference. In this audio, you will find releases to this madness and solace that can bring you peace. This is the real deal.
Personalized Fishing Plug-ins
Runtime: 10 Minutes

Jimmy Mack has recorded a personalized done-for-you, plug and play audio to be used to clear any topic or issue. You can come back time and time again and reload in a new issue or even a different aspect or layer of that same big issue — each time as you notice the subtle changes.
When you listen to this recording for just minutes each day, he believes it'll go a long way toward improving your day to day life and you will feel that shift in your energy. Its effects are cumulative, the longer you do it, the faster and deeper it goes.
About Jimmy Mack

Jimmy Mack is a renowned Medical Intuitive and Spiritual Life Coach who has had decades of working with clients and pets around the globe on a wide range of challenges, diseases, and disorders. He has completed and even mastered a variety of healing modalities himself, but after a near death experience in ICU, Jimmy is now gifted with the increased ability to read people's energy fields and access outer realms and frequencies.
He was divinely shown, and continues to co-create with Spirit, a simpler, faster way to create profound transformational changes. This sacred symbol, known as My Liquid Fish™ Change made simple™, serves as a conduit to an interdimensional healing portal that influences shifts and changes on multiple levels. He hosted his own Blog Talk radio show for over 6 years and is the author of 9 books and over 35 energetic clearing and healing audio MP3s on a variety of self-improvement topics. He now offers Online Training, Masterclasses and a Mastery & Practitioner Certification Program for all to become empowered with this technique. In addition, Jimmy works with clients worldwide on the phone, over the internet and in person co-creating changes in body, mind, spirit, people, places, pets, situations and things that you can actually see and feel in minutes!
*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: youwealthrevolution@gmail.com); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.
IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
AFFILIATE COMPENSATION NOTICE: You should assume that the You Wealth Revolution has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of Jimmy Mack's package, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or before the private session has occurred, or until 11:59 pm Eastern on May 23, 2024, which is before the live sessions begin (whichever comes first). However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of Jimmy Mack's package, all requests for refunds must be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period, or before the private session has occurred, or until 11:59 pm Eastern on May 23, 2024 (whichever comes first). We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.
**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing youwealthrevolution@gmail.com.