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The Universe on Speed Dial!®

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Two Weeks to Unexpected Income:
The Universe on Speed Dial!®

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Two Weeks to Unexpected Income with the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available
…in Just 15 Minutes a Day!

Is there really a way to manifest unexpected income, unexpected business, and unexpected solutions to your most pressing problems — in just two weeks or less?

More specifically, is there a way to do this even when a tiny microbe has brought the leadership of nations to their knees and turned the world economy upside down?

The answer is a resounding YES!

This is the promise of my Feel Free to Prosper® program, a simple, fast, and practical how-to approach to prosperity. And it is not a promise made lightly. It's a bold promise I make to you — and one that I intend to keep.

It's not magic. But it may seem magical because the exquisite simplicity of the prosperity laws is not commonly understood. Human nature tends to complicate matters that appear abstract and beyond our reach.

I overcame adversity to create a business that for two decades attracted the world's largest corporate clients by using the same prosperity principles that I now share with my students internationally and that I am about to share with you. Marilyn Jenett Locations, my one-woman special event company, evolved and was sustained over the years solely through the application of these prosperity laws.

With the wisdom gained from my experiences in life and business, and through the inspired intuition that created this program, I am passionate about teaching you how to "put the Universe on speed dial" through my amazingly simple, easy-to-grasp, and proven Feel Free to Prosper teachings. And yes, it will only take you 15 minutes a day.

In today's economic climate, there is a vital need for the world's population to understand the underlying cause of personal financial distress: a belief that there is a separation from the true source of their supply — what I call our "invisible means of support." With my teachings, you will finally overcome the fear and experience proof of your alignment with the universal parent that is ready to shower each of us with gifts that are far beyond our imaginings — once we learn how to receive.

My teachings have attracted many publishing offers. Feel Free to Prosper, the book based on my teachings, is published by Penguin Random House, the world's largest publisher. The free online version of my business memoir, Feel Free to Prosper: An Entrepreneurial Memoir of Synchronicity and Guidance, has attracted over 118,000 readers and will also soon be published.

My teaching methods and proprietary techniques allow you to bypass the analytical mind and gently influence the subconscious, thereby creating your "pipeline" to the universal source of supply. My unique teaching style and ability to communicate what was previously considered esoteric knowledge into the simplest form is the key to the successful results my students achieve.

They get the results they are looking for — and get them quickly — because my teachings address a critical component and missing link that most other books and programs do not: overcoming the resistance of the subconscious mind. Through what I call "friendly persuasion," you'll learn my special techniques that gently coerce the subconscious mind to accept a new dominant thought.

In 2011, a news story was released by Bloomberg News: University researchers in Norway and France finally provided the scientific evidence that I had been seeking — the evidence that supports my proprietary lesson techniques. Every new student receives this media story.

Why Two Weeks?

From my decades of study of the mind, I knew that it was commonly accepted that it took three to four weeks to break a habit and create a new mental pattern. However, from the time I began teaching the Feel Free to Prosper program, I noticed that my average student achieved a breakthrough in two weeks — often much sooner. I later heard that current psychological research showed it can take as little as two weeks to begin creating a new neural pathway in the brain. My students have been consistently right on cue. Quite simply, the techniques work and they work fast.

The fulfillment of my promise will officially launch when you apply the traditional Feel Free to Prosper® Audio Program. The program will not only jumpstart your prosperity — it will prepare you well for the main journey.

If you own a business or want to advance in your job or career, then these teachings are devoted especially to you.

Just as a house cannot stand without a proper foundation, all of the marketing, sales, and business know-how in the world will not result in success unless you first have the internal foundation — the mindset — to succeed. Once you create that foundation, you will automatically be guided to all the appropriate elements that will result in your success. You will be inspired to do exactly what needs to be done to get your results. Or you may be guided to take no physical action — except to watch as results arrive miraculously out of the blue (I know you'll love that part of these teachings).

As a student of Feel Free to Prosper, you will learn that when you have "the universe on speed dial" you will truly have the greatest marketing department you could ever hope for — and that the possibilities are unlimited.

With the Feel Free to Prosper program, I promise that I will simply and passionately share my experiences and knowledge with you so that you can live a more prosperous, inspiring, and successful life.

The Feel Free to Prosper® Program: Do the "Homework"… Get the Results

Retail Value: $497

Once you begin the Feel Free to Prosper program, you may find yourself wondering: "Can it really be this simple and work?" Can just 10–15 minutes a day of "homework" really create such striking results experienced by my students?

The truth is, the simplest things are often the most powerful. For this reason, I created the teachings to avoid information overload and confusion. This is the key.

Once you start getting results, the confirmation that the principles do indeed work will be like a lighthouse beaconing to a ship in a dark harbor.

And your faith in the process will soon grow to be as strong as your expectation that a light will go on when you flip a switch in a dark room. It's a simple proposition. Do the homework and get the results.

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

Discount: 71% Off

Total Value: $844

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

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One of my favorite expressions is "the Universe on speed dial."

For me, this expression not only refers to the startling speed of the results, it also means a lightness and ease of actions that help you to get what you want, never forcing matters but going with the flow.

It also conveys the idea that the Universe has mapped a grand course of action for each of us, and it's up to you and me to realize what this is.

As the new century began and the post 9/11 era created a worldwide shift in consciousness, I increasingly realized that the world of elaborate corporate entertainment and six-figure events was no longer aligned with my greater purpose and maturing spiritual values.

I intuitively knew that my business of two decades was the "university" that developed and rigorously tested my knowledge, faith and conviction in the prosperity laws, so that I would one day teach others.

I knew, in fact, that it was my spiritual obligation to do so and was aware that my gift was my unique crossover between the metaphysical and business worlds.

I was compelled and "guided" to develop a program that contained the same lessons that I had applied to overcome adversity and create my successes over the years.

The program had to be simple, easy to apply and create results quickly, so that others would not have to go through my 30-year journey. I had graduated well, absorbing the teachings of the most brilliant minds of mental and spiritual science, and I would honor and continue their legacy.

And so was born…

Feel Free to Prosper

Just as I had manifested clients so naturally in my former business without ever spending a dime on marketing or advertising in 20 years, the doors spontaneously opened for me to share my teachings, and students from every walk of life flocked to my Feel Free to Prosper program. Thousands would arrive as testimonials poured in. I knew I was 'home' and living my destiny.

As I was establishing Feel Free to Prosper, I had decided to release my former business, but out of the blue — from a fluke phone call — came one of the largest clients of my 20-year career. Campbell's Soup spent $450 million dollars for national promotions targeted at children.

I played a key role in these promotions, securing spectacular venues like the Malibu mansion, the castle in England and the private island in the Caribbean. (The owner of the island later became my student).

I have since completely released my corporate business in favor of prospering others — my true life mission.

The "Feel Free to Prosper®" Journey and Some of What You'll Discover

  • Three words which you (or your children) should never utter again if you're after true prosperity.
  • Do you "cave in" during times of business upheaval? Discover how I rebounded and kept my best clients… even while others were throwing in the towel during the 1992 Los Angeles riots, the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, 9/11 and national recessions.
  • Two words that become the steadfast "security guards" of your wealth consciousness and "short circuit" negative thoughts about money and finances.
  • Why force fails and "friendly persuasion" works every time… in getting your subconscious to be your ally.
  • Why the Law of Reversed Effort may be keeping you stuck and stalled for years.
  • Why affirmations may be doing you more harm than good… and how to "graduate" to affirmations that are guaranteed to work for you.
  • Why silence is golden when it comes to revealing your dreams and goals to the outside world.
  • The role of infinite intelligence and how to connect with it to find your true place in life, as I did to create a business that brought me success and renown. All without an MBA or formal business background.
  • How to launch a new prosperity consciousness that "delivers the goods"… even if lack patterns have dominated your thinking for years.
  • The most important thing you can do before dropping off to sleep at night that can multiply your manifestations several fold.
  • How to use feelings to compress time and create rapid manifestations.
  • Why less is almost always more when it comes to building a wealth consciousness that will serve you for a lifetime.
  • My secrets to getting "the Universe on speed dial," starting in as little as two weeks.
  • How to trigger a moment of feeling that's more powerful than 1,000 affirmations in getting what you want.
  • A technique for being able to pay in full a table full of bills and invoices.
  • Why you may be sabotaging your "subconscious taxi driver" by giving it multiple "destinations."
  • The difference between channels of income and source of income and why understanding this makes all the difference in manifesting what you desire.
  • Why overload and confusion are the biggest obstacles to acquiring and maintaining a prosperity consciousness… and how I have solved the problem.
  • Why spiritual substance is steadfast and reliable and doesn't care about economic cycles.
  • What NEVER to say about your finances to yourself (or anyone else) no matter how desperate your situation appears.

Discount: 71% Off

Total Value: $844

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

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The Feel Free to Prosper® Audio Program — The Original Two-month Flagship Program

Value: $497

The Feel Free to Prosper® Audio Program is a unique lesson and mentoring experience that will change the course of your finances and your life. Your consciousness will shift within a couple of weeks, often sooner, and you will attract more business and increase your income, not to mention the other areas of your life that will be affected. This is a profound shift that will last your lifetime if you will apply yourself and let me guide you.

The program is a series of recorded group mentoring sessions along with the simple, but powerful prosperity lessons based on mental and spiritual laws, given at intervals to allow you to study, integrate in consciousness and put to use each lesson before advancing to the next. My ability to teach these laws will create the bridge that will allow you to incorporate this knowledge and immediately put it to use

You will receive the powerful Feel Free to Prosper® lessons described below along with the recorded mentoring sessions, the mentoring session notes and the program instructions and schedule. The mentoring sessions are from one of my most popular groups, who named themselves "The Manifesters." The audios are downloadable mp3 recordings and the lessons are pdf files. All files are on a convenient student web page with step-by-step instructions to download as needed.

Feel Free to Prosper® Audio Program Month One

Month One of the Feel Free to Prosper® Program begins your prosperity adventure with four weekly 90- to 120-minute interactive mentoring sessions along with the powerful Feel Free to Prosper® lessons in pdf format. In Month One, you will receive Lessons One and Two.

Lesson 1 — The Spoken Word

Lesson One has traditionally brought striking manifestations to my students in a very short time, usually in two weeks or less. Current research shows that it could take as little as two weeks to begin creating a new neural pathway in the brain. You may be shocked at how simple the Lesson One techniques are — and yet so effective.

This is the lesson that brought floods of testimonials that established the credibility of the Feel Free to Prosper® program — and that continues the legend today.

This lesson forms the foundation of the Feel Free to Prosper® program. It tills the soil of the mind to overcome the weeds of resistance to easily and naturally grow a prosperity consciousness. I will teach you techniques that gently persuade the subconscious mind to shift and accept the new prosperous idea, without creating resistance. I call this "friendly persuasion." With this lesson and my guidance in the sessions, you WILL bear fruit. And it will prepare you fully for the lessons that follow.

You will apply Lesson One and the techniques for one week prior to listening to the first audio session, which will allow your subconscious to start working on the manifestation process. This will ensure that you gain maximum benefit. You may already be manifesting results before you listen to the first audio session!

Lesson 2 — Affirmations

With Lesson One, your mind became "fertile" so that you begin to shift your consciousness and start attracting the prosperity that the Universe is waiting for you to receive. It also prepares your mind to become open and receptive to the material taught in Lesson Two.

Lesson Two is a detailed and informative work on Affirmations — everything you always wanted to know about affirmations and some facts that are not commonly known. It contains the definite principles that must be applied for your affirmations to create results. You will learn about the different types of affirmations, how to compose them, when and how to use them, and how to ensure results.

Also included are many examples of my own favorite affirmations and some from the greatest New Thought teachers.

Audio Mentoring Session Topics (Month One)

Just a few of the session topics covered in Month One are:

  • Your Core Belief About Money and Prosperity
  • The Impact of Your Habitual Words and Phrases
  • Source vs. Channels
  • The Importance of Having Fun with Prosperity
  • Marilyn's "Check Writing" Technique for Attracting Income
  • Feeling the Reality of Your Affirmations

And additional topics covered in Marilyn's enlightening interaction with the students.

Feel Free to Prosper® Audio Program Month Two

Month Two of the Feel Free to Prosper® Program continues your prosperity journey with more in-depth powerful lessons and four more weeks of interactive mentoring. Month Two includes Lessons Three and Four, bonus lessons Five and Six, and four weekly audio sessions.

Lesson 3 — Accept it Now

Lesson Three, Accept it Now, focuses on bringing your acceptance of your desire into the NOW moment, the real secret to manifesting. Many students who have studied metaphysics before tell me that this has been the most difficult area for them in the past, but I believe that by making the subconscious mind more fertile, as we did in Lessons One and Two, this principle becomes much easier to grasp.

Here are the opening words to Lesson Three:

"There is only one reason you do not have what you want. You do not have what you want because your consciousness is filled with the thought of not having what you want. As long as the thought of not having remains in your mind, you will continue to not have. So if you accept this premise, then the way to have what you want is to change your consciousness to the thought of having what you want."

The lesson will show you how to bring your desire into the present moment and "have" what you want.

Also included is The Secret to Success, a fascinating excerpt from the writings of one of the greatest teachers of manifestation, which exemplifies this process.

Lesson 4 — Release in Magnetic

Many situations in life, including financial ones, can be resolved and healed, and peace and harmony expressed, by a special spiritual practice known as "release." It is the fastest, surest way to turn situations around in human relationships — at home or in business — and to also "let go" to allow the Universe to manifest our desires in all areas of life.

Lesson Four addresses three important areas of release:

  • Giving up negative ideas and emotions that bind you to the very situations you do not want and prevent you from becoming the open channels to the good that you want in your life.
  • "Cleaning up and cleaning out" unneeded possessions in your home and business, as well as cleaning up and cleaning out unneeded relationships in your life.
  • Holding onto anxious and tense thoughts about the results you want to create or attempting to force an outcome, which prevents the actual manifestation of those results.

"Release" is a very important part of creating financial prosperity and this lesson will explain why it is often the missing link to financial gain.

Bonus Lessions

Lesson 5 — Tithing Sets You Free

You are sure to find this lesson based on an ancient practice fascinating. You will have a completely different understanding of this principle than is commonly known. You'll learn why this practice can be the key for an advanced student to finally release fear so that you are open to receive. You will also understand why the farmer plants his best seed in the soil to reap a bountiful harvest and how this establishes our connection with the Source of our supply.

Lesson 6 — Delete These Words

A great lesson to remind us of the power of our words. Another surprise — what did Eliza Doolittle and Professor Higgins from the legendary Broadway play and hit movie, My Fair Lady, have to do with your prosperity consciousness? You'll find out.

Audio Mentoring Session Topics (Month Two)

Some of the session topics covered in Month Two are:

  • When to Stop Using an Affirmation
  • Loving Money and Its Symbols
  • Resolving Debt You Owe and Debt Owed You
  • The "Gestation" Period of Manifestation
  • How Feeling Is a Magnet and How It Compresses Time
  • Keeping the Silence
  • Finding Our True Purpose in Life
  • How to Recognize the Right Decision
  • The Importance of "Release" and How to Do It
  • The Powerful Aspect of Gratitude Not Commonly Known
  • Ancient Success Principle to Connect You with Your Source

And additional topics covered in Marilyn's enlightening interaction with the students.

Discount: 71% Off

Total Value: $844

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

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You Will Also Receive These Bonuses

Bonus #1

Teleclass for Business Success

Value: $147

How Would It Feel to Have… the Universe as Your Marketing Department?

How Would It Feel to Have Clients Find YOU Effortlessly?

…To Become Aligned with Your TRUE Source of Supply?

As my gift with your purchase of the Feel Free to Prosper® Program, you will receive one of my most valuable products – the recording of the Feel Free to Prosper Teleclass for Business Success.

You do not need to struggle, seek and strive to build your business or career. You can use simplified mental and spiritual principles based on Universal laws and the subconscious mind to create and attract all the elements — including the right customers and clients — that ensure success in your business or job.

This 3-hour, 20-minute recorded teleclass is devoted to prosperity principles just for business success. I share with business owners, solo-preneurs, and career employees, the prosperity laws that I specifically applied to create and build a renowned business for two decades and to later reinvent myself with the creation of my Feel Free to Prosper® program.

This class is overflowing with content that will provide you with a clear understanding of the principles that will transform your consciousness and take your business or job to a new level. It's a storehouse of information that you will never find anywhere else because it's all based on my personal experience.

There are 17 topics that include…

  • Metaphysical Marketing — What Does This Mean?
  • Action or Magic?
  • Mental vs. Physical Activity in Marketing
  • Antidote to Fear of Failure
  • Working to Live or Living to Work?
  • Attracting Ideal Clients
  • Always Assume the Door Is Open
  • Working Hard? Marilyn's Ol' Book-a-Castle Trick
  • Progression Not Recession

This program sells on my website for $147 but it's my Free Gift to you.

I recommend that for your greatest benefit, listen to the Teleclass for Business Success after you have completed the Feel Free to Prosper® Program, so you will have the necessary foundation of the Feel Free to Prosper teachings.

Bonus #2

Four Hours of Recorded Q&A Calls with Feel Free to Prosper Students

Value: $200

This year as we continue to move forward following the global challenge of the past three years, I'm offering this bonus to my new students from Darius's community so they will receive the full impact of my teachings and guidance.

On these recorded Q&A calls, you'll have the opportunity to learn from my interaction with the others, and enjoy the energy of this community experience with me and your fellow students.

My Q&A calls are only for students of the flagship Feel Free to Prosper program, because you will already have the foundation of the lessons to benefit from my responses and teachings.

Even connecting in Spirit through the recordings, these calls will give you additional knowledge and support to overcome any challenges and fulfill your desires.

Many of my greatest teachings have surfaced when I am communicating with students, answering questions and addressing specific issues. It feels as if the Universe is whispering the perfect answers and solutions in my ear, not just for one but for all.

I am here to help you on a mental, emotional and spiritual level.

What Students Have Said About My Q&A Calls:

Discount: 71% Off

Total Value: $844

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

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Expert Testimonials

Testimonials From You Wealth Revolution Buyers

Discount: 71% Off

Total Value: $844

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

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My Journey…

My journey as a prosperity teacher began several years before the book and DVD, The Secret, saw the light of day. I was immersed in universal laws for decades and began teaching the principles before this new wave hit the mainstream.

Two decades before, I had built a successful events-planning business from scratch — from less than nothing — and I was featured in the Los Angeles Times, the Los Angeles Business Journal, Century City News, and newspapers and publications the world over.

My tiny one-woman company, Marilyn Jenett Locations, had a client roster that would make even the most accomplished Fortune 500 executive sit up and take notice — companies like: Campbell's, Nike, Michelin, Citibank Private Bank, HGTV and many more.

I had built a successful business by using these principles long before I decided to teach what I know. I started my business with a raw idea and my belief in the prosperity laws. I had no proper business education, no connections to speak of and no marketing or publicity budget.

Yet, within months, I was featured in that cover story in the Los Angeles Times and media around the globe after the Associated Press picked up the story.

My "15 minutes of fame" turned into a 20-year career in which I attracted some of the world's largest companies — without advertising, marketing or networking — and only relying on prosperity laws and the "Universe as my marketing department."

It was vitally important that I made money in a real world business prior to becoming a prosperity teacher. In fact, I never knew until 2003 that I was destined to teach others the same prosperity principles I used to build my business.

You've doubtlessly heard the expression that our greatest regrets in life come from the things we didn't do, not the things we've done.

Whether you hold the desire to amass great wealth or just have the quiet satisfaction that your financial needs are taken care of, my purpose in life is to take you there with Feel Free to Prosper.

What Students Say About Feel Free to Prosper

More Testimonials from You Wealth Revolution Buyers

About Marilyn Jenett

Marilyn Jenett's headshot

Marilyn Jenett is a renowned prosperity mentor, Penguin Random House author, and accomplished entrepreneur. She overcame her own "lack" consciousness to create a business that attracted the world's largest clients and major media publicity for over 20 years. She did this all without marketing, advertising, or networking — only through the use of her prosperity principles and, as she says, with the "Universe as her marketing department."

Her achievements were the result of applying the prosperity laws that she now teaches in her Feel Free to Prosper® program — a simple yet powerful lesson and mentoring program based on mental and spiritual laws that traditionally creates results within two weeks.

Marilyn founded the program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. Her victory in changing her own consciousness culminated in her faith and conviction in these laws and the recognition of her life's purpose — and spiritual obligation — to teach others. Audiences embrace her authenticity and grounded teachings and thousands around the globe are fulfilling her two-week promise with her affordable self-study program.

Marilyn's fascinating online memoir, Feel Free to Prosper: An Entrepreneurial Memoir of Synchronicity and Guidance, has captivated over 118,000 readers and attracted extraordinary public attention. Feel Free to Prosper, the book based on her teachings, has been published by Penguin Random House, the world's largest publisher.

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Special Offer by Marilyn Jenett

A Total Retail Value of $844

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Yours for Only $247

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This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

YES, Marilyn! I'm ready to begin manifesting like never before, so I'm responding today.

I know you've developed this program based on the timeless teachings and principles from the ablest prosperity teachers in history and refined them through 30 years of your own experience working with and using the Laws.

You've not only attracted numerous multi-national clients to your former events planning business for years, but you've also taught thousands of your students these same techniques for rapidly transforming their businesses and personal lives.

And now because I'm ready to receive my natural birthright of prosperity, you're extending a very special program offer to me along with the additional free bonus gifts above.

*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: youwealthrevolution@gmail.com); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.

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REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

*SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing youwealthrevolution@gmail.com.