Welcome to Tamra Oviatt's Special Offer Page: How to Be an Evolutionary Catalyst

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SUPERCHARGE Your Healing Abilities with Sacred Activations

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Are You Suffering from Pain, Struggle, Dissatisfaction, or the Feeling of Disconnection?

FIRST TIME EVER: The 30 Golden Seals That 'Activated' Tamra Oviatt!

Become a Sacred Activations Practitioner and See MIRACLES Work from Your Life OUT into the World!

Discount: 91% Off

Total Value: $5,700

You Wealth Special Offer: $500

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**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on December 7, 2024

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NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

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In this Sacred Activations offer from Tamra Oviatt, you will:

  • HEAL Your Negative Core Beliefs Automatically
  • REFRAME Your Mindset that Sabotages Your Choices
  • UPGRADE Your Frequency and Live on Higher Vibrations
  • FEEL More Confident in your ability to Manifest Your Intentions
  • LIVE a More authentic, heart-centered, and intentional life

YOU Can Be the Evolutionary Catalyst That Sparks Divine Change…

For Abundance, Ascension, and Energetic-Healing in ALL of Your World

95% of your life is run by your subconscious beliefs. What happens if those beliefs are negative? How will your life be?

Sacred Activations offers you THE EASIEST AND FASTEST WORKING process to heal your core negative beliefs, reframe your negative mindset, and upgrade your subconscious mind. AUTOMATICALLY.

This isn't guided meditation, affirmation, how-to-instruction, or anything like that! What makes Sacred Activations unique is that this is the Highest Divine Source Energy doing the inner work for you.

If your beliefs have been sabotaging your life, acquiring the ability to reprogram your own belief systems is a game changer for you!

Sacred Activations will help you because it moves you from living on autopilot to becoming a powerful and conscious programmer of your own life. Where you feel more confident and secure to steer your life in the direction you most desire.

This modality is unique and powerful because it channels The Highest Divine Source Energy to work directly on your subconscious mind. To add to that, Sacred Activations also activates Sacred Geometry in your energy bodies, helping you live on higher vibrations!

The Legacy of the Practitioner Course

Tamra Oviatt is offering this LIVE Practitioner Course because she knows how profoundly Sacred Activations can have in your life and in the lives of those around you. Available online or in person with Tamra in the UK, this course will activate within you the ability to reprogram your subconscious mind yourself and co-create with God Source Energy. YOU will become a catalyst for change, healing and overall higher consciousness in those around you. This offer from Tamra is the legacy that she wants to leave in this world — the beautiful rippling out of potent Source God Energy activated in each of your lives and the lives of those around you.

This offering from Tamra you will receive:

  • 12 Hours over 6 Days of Live Training to be a Sacred Activations Practitioner
  • Training Manual and Prospectus that will be your guidebooks to the course and beyond
  • A Full YEAR of Access to the Sacred Activations Membership
  • 200+ Healing Activations, Subconscious Clearings and Frequency Upgrades

Ignite Your Sacred Evolution and Change Your World!

When you learn from Tamra how to be an 'Evolutionary Catalyst', you will:

  • Become a holistic and conscious programmer of your own subconscious mind and STOP living on autopilot!
  • Acquire the ability to rewire your own beliefs and mindset through the EASIEST and FASTEST working energy process
  • TURBO-ACCELERATE your Healing and Manifestations by activating Sacred Geometry in your body and upgrade your DNA
  • Be confident and secure in your ability to manifest and create MIRACLE experiences for yourself and others

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

Discount: 91% Off

Total Value: $5,700

You Wealth Special Offer: $500

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30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on December 7, 2024

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Item 1: Practitioners Training IN-PERSON or LIVE Online
Item 1: Practitioners Training IN-PERSON or LIVE Online

Value: $750

Live Access Wither in-Person or Online

For 12 Hours Over 2 Days
Beginning Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 at
4:00am Pacific / 5:00am Mountain / 6:00am Central / 7:00am Eastern / 11:00am GMT / 9:00pm Australia

Activate Your Power to Reprogram Your Mind and Co-Create with Source Energy!

By becoming a Sacred Activations Practitioner, you will activate your power to reprogram the subconscious mind and change the mental programs that keep us playing small and replace them with programs that propel us to be our best selves. There's no better time than now to take active control of your own reality. So, take the red pill and free your mind!

Are you excited to co-create with the Source God Energy and Sacred Activations?

  • Tamra Oviatt offers this Practitioner Course to make a difference in your life, to make a difference in the lives of others, and to make a difference in the future of our planet. Because receiving the Sacred Activations has a ripple effect — it expands and changes thousands of thousands of lives and it starts from YOU.
  • Sacred Activations, also called the Subconscious Metaprogramming Modality, is the EASIEST, FASTEST, and MOST POTENT process to rewire your brain, change your subconscious programs, clear negative core beliefs, and upgrade energy frequencies through the Source God Energy.
  • An Activation/Deactivation is an intelligent energy code that functions like a metaprogram or software, which changes and upgrades the beliefs systems, vibrations, and consciousness that don't resonate with it, and at the same time, it installs new mental programs, codes, and information into the subconscious mind, giving it a new direction, and a new focus.
  • Because Subconscious metaprogramming is the most powerful way to take control of what you want to create and un-create in your life, Sacred Activations has now become the easiest, fastest, and most transformational healing modality available today, with over a thousand practitioners in more than 20 countries around the world.

What Is Sacred Activations?

Sacred Activations, also called the Subconscious Metaprogramming Modality, is the EASIEST, FASTEST, and MOST POTENT process to rewire your brain, change your subconscious programs, clear negative core beliefs, and upgrade energy frequencies through the Source God Energy.

An Activation/Deactivation is an intelligent energy code that functions like a metaprogram or software, which changes and upgrades the beliefs systems, vibrations, and consciousness that don't resonate with it, and at the same time, it installs new mental programs, codes, and information into the subconscious mind, giving it a new direction, a new focus, a new pattern that is empowering, positive, and rooted in love, so you will naturally make choices and decisions that align with your truth and highest good.

There are now thousands of Activations gifted to Tamra and each of these Activations helps you live with your heart and get centered in your true power as the conscious creator of your reality.

Because Subconscious metaprogramming is the most powerful way to take control of what you want to create and un-create in your life, Sacred Activations has now become the easiest, fastest, and most transformational healing modality available today, with over a thousand practitioners in more than 20 countries around the world.

What Makes This Modality Different?

Tamra Oviatt offers this Practitioner Course to make a difference in your life, to make a difference in the lives of others, and to make a difference in the future of our planet. Because receiving the Sacred Activations has a ripple effect — it expands and changes thousands of thousands of lives and it starts from YOU.

This is the legacy Tamra wants to leave behind in this lifetime.

Item 2: Practitioners Training Road Map and Prospectus
Item 2: Practitioners Training Road Map and Prospectus


Feel Ready and Equipped to Start Your Journey to Become a Sacred Activations Certified Practitioner!

The Practitioners Training Road Map and Prospectus is a guide that will help you get started on becoming a Sacred Activations Certified Practitioner. Its purpose is to provide you a clear picture of the journey ahead and outlines the steps to fully master this modality.

This is perfect for anyone looking to add a quick, potent, and easy to use process into their wellness toolkit. Also ideal for anyone interested in reprogramming their subconscious mind through a powerful energy work. If you're already practicing Alternative Medicine (such as Reiki, QHHT, LBL, or Theta Healing) or already a professional in the therapy and coaching industry, Sacred Activations adds more depth to your healing sessions.

If you're new to this field, Sacred Activations is a beginner-friendly modality to master.

Item 3: Practitioners Training Manual
Item 3: Practitioners Training Manual


Your Go-To Guide for Sacred Activations

The Practitioners Training Manual is a detailed guide that will aid you in your journey with Practitioners training in Sacred Activations that you will be working with throughout the 12 hours of class.

It provides lists of the Activations that you will be able to run after receiving the Golden Seals, explains what the Goldens seals are, introduces you to the healing energy and so much more.

Item 4: One-Year Basic Membership
Item 4: One-Year Basic Membership

Over 200 Audios!

FREE One-Year Access to Sacred Activations Basic Membership with 200+ Healing Activations, Subconscious Clearings and Frequency Upgrades!

For an entire year, have access to the Sacred Activation Basic Memebership's 200+ Healing Activations, Subconscious Clearings and Frequency Upgrades ready for you immediately in your dashboard. Sacred Activations offers you UNLIMITED ACCESS to hundreds of Energy Activations and Deactivations to help facilitate ease and flow in your manifestations, relationships, business, physical health, or any areas of your life where you feel deeply unfulfilled.

These will allow you to shift your energy in less than 10 minutes any time of the day.

Over time, you will experience long-term, real results through a quick, simple, and effortless energy process. Starting with peeling away your fear-based, deeply-rooted beliefs one layer at a time!

This Membership gives you access to:

Healing Transmissions and Energy Work
Receive all-encompassing Healing Activations that go beyond just the surface level.
Subconscious Upgrades and Positive Programming
Rewire your brain naturally to shift your mindset and create new constructive belief systems.
Channeled Webinars and Masterclasses
Listen to over 100 high-frequency Sacred Activation sessions powered by Source God Energy.

Below are some EXAMPLES of the categories and activations that you will receive in your dashboard. There is SO much more within the membership!

Love, Family and Relationships

Form healthy self-relationship. Heal family wounds & childhood traumas. Attract the right partner.

Activations included but not limited to:

  • Family Constellations Activation

    This sacred energy clears out your anger, judgment, resentment, guilt, and shame towards your family, allowing yourself to give and receive familial love and respect.

    • Forgive your family for the hurtful words and actions while setting clear boundaries with them to protect your own emotional health.
    • Be willing to understand family members, seeing their pains, and acknowledging their shortcomings, so you can release yourself from anger, bitterness, and resentment.
    • Give and receive compassion, love, and respect to and from your family through healthy attachment, boundaries, and communication.
    • Become more accepting of your family for who they are and stop trying to get your family to respond the way you want them to.
  • Soulmate Activation

    This clears your limiting beliefs, judgments, fears, traumas, and betrayals with your Soulmates in this lifetime and all your other lifetimes, allowing yourself to open up to receive the right one.

    • Open yourself up to feel deeply connected with someone without fear, judgment, or doubt.
    • Release collective, religious, or inherited belief systems about soulmate relationship that is limiting and holding you back.
    • Heal from the traumas, betrayals, and wounds with your Soulmates over all your lifetimes.
    • Be aligned with the most compassionate, nurturing, supportive soulmate relationship.
    • Learn, grow, and expand in your relationship, which is marked with feelings of affection, trust, intimacy, and commitment.
  • Healthy Boundaries Activation

  • Inner Child Reconnection Activation

  • Divine Union Activation

and more!

Abundance and Business

Clear abundance and manifestation blocks. Rewire money beliefs. Shed scarcity mindset.

Activations included but not limited to:

  • Debt Deactivation

    If you believe you've been going through karmic debt experiences right now, whether from your past lifetimes or lineage, this Deactivation clears all your karmic debts and their energetic imprints stored in your energy and physical bodies, so painful patterns and lessons no longer have to play out in your current and future incarnations.

  • Lack and Limitation

    This Activation will bring a HUGE shift in your mindset. Belief systems associated with lack, limitation, and scarcity will be deleted from your subconscious programming and will be replaced with beliefs and thoughts of abundance, prosperity, and gratitude.

    Receiving this Activation allows you to:

    • Rewire your brain for the feeling of gratitude, allowing you to supercharge your manifestations and attract limitless opportunities
    • Drop the thinking that other people are your competitors and opponents; instead, you genuinely celebrate others' achievements and success with a knowing that there is enough (and more) for everybody
    • Focus your thoughts on what you have and trust where you are right now
    • Live in a state of flow, instead of living in lack, desperation, and fears
    • Be in the driver's seat, understanding that you are the creator of your reality and abundance is your birthright
  • The Grass Is Always Greener Activation

  • Money Gene Activation

  • Millionaire Collective Consciousness Activation

and more!

Sacred Geometry

Activate 5D Frequencies and Crystalline DNA. Accelerate ascension. Connect with Source.

Activations included but not limited to:

  • Lord Metatron

    This Activation brings sacred geometric codes into your DNA Tetrahedron that will activate your DNA up to 18 strands and accelerate their evolution to the new crystalline form. This will increase your connection to higher consciousness and line you up for a profound spiritual advancement.

    Receiving this Activation allows you to:

    • Healing and spiritual assistance
    • High-vibrational living
    • DNA Activation that moves you into your higher potential
    • Divine communication
  • Moses Code/Tree of Life

    This Activation repairs and activates the pathways and lights up the power points of the Tree of Life in your energy field. When activated, it makes a major shift in your body, mind, and soul, freeing your creative spirit and igniting your divine spark.

    Receiving this Activation allows you to:

    • It facilitates your healing, manifestations, creativity, spiritual awakening, and integration.
    • If you're a writer, an artist, or whatever your creative pursuits are, it helps you achieve a state of flow and focus on what you're doing.
    • It shifts your vibration into higher frequencies, allowing you to claim your creative power, trust your intuition, and follow your own path.
  • Fruit of Life Activation

  • Christ Consciousness Activation

  • Seed of Life Activation

and more!

Health, Aging and Wellness

Heal your body on cellular level. Release stuck emotional energies. Process traumas.

Activations included but not limited to:

  • Hormones in Balance Activation

    Do you believe you have a high or low level of particular hormones? This Activation balances the hormones in your body, such as Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, Estrogen, Testosterone, Insulin, and all other hormones that are in need of re-balancing.

    Balance hormones are very important for your overall health and wellbeing. They have profound effects on your physical, mental, and emotional health.

    This energy doesn't work the same for everyone. You will receive this Activation depending on what's right for you and depending on how your body operates in the highest and best way for you.

  • Age Reversal

    Do you believe that older adults can't learn new things? Do you believe that certain diseases come as you age? Do you blame the aging process for exhibiting certain behaviors, such as forgetfulness, angry outburst, or rigidity? This Activation clears negative aging beliefs and releases you from collective consciousness about aging.

    Receiving this Activation allows you to:

    • Disconnect from the collective consciousness about aging and clear the program of negative beliefs that come with it
    • Remove the aging gene and replace it with the youth gene, allowing you to live with the light and spirit of being ageless
    • Become aware of your own age beliefs and strengthen positive age beliefs
  • Organ Rejuvenation Activation

  • Addiction Redirection Activation

  • Disconnect From Disease Consciousness Activation

and more!

Intuition and Psychic Abilities

Activate psychic centers in your brain. Connect with your Higher Self and Higher-Dimensional Beings. Clear intuition blocks.

Activations included but not limited to:

  • Godhead Activation

    This advanced sacred energy activates the glandular centers in the brain: the pituitary gland, pineal gland, hypothalamus, and the medulla oblongata or the Godhead. This Activation awakens your psychic and intuitive abilities, allowing you to have deeper intuitive connections and experiences.

    Receiving this Activation allows you to:

    • Experience better communication with your Higher Self, spirit guides, angels, and the Source
    • Greater awareness of truth
    • Create more flow and fluidity in your life
    • Trust your inner voice and yourself
    • Intuitively understand and know which steps to take that lead you to the life you desire
    • Freedom from fear-based thoughts and emotions that used to hold you back
  • Starseed Activation

    This Activation raises your vibrational energy to a level where you can connect and communicate with Star Races and Galactic Races of Light Beings residing in other planets and galaxies, or other dimensional realms. This is an expansion Activation that allows you to hear, see, understand, and discern them through the power of your consciousness.

    Receiving this Activation allows you to:

    • Remove your fear of connecting with Galactic Beings, trusting that you are safe when you connect and communicate with them
    • See your Brothers and Sisters from Star/Galactic Races through your consciousness and be able to hear and understand their messages for you
    • Properly discern who you are connecting with, so you will only open yourself up to those who have pure intentions of helping you in your ascension
  • Stargate Activation

  • Galactic Federation Activation

  • Alchemy of the 5th Dimension Activation

and many more!

Fears, Anxieties and Overwhelm

Find freedom from fears and worries. Disconnect from life dramas. Return to your heart center.

Activations included but not limited to:

  • Drama Drama Activation

    This Activation clears out dramas in multiple areas in your life, so you can move forward without the constant stress of being caught up in a difficult situations, issues, and conflicts with others.

    Are you subconsciously attracted to life dramas? Do you always find yourself in a dramatic relationship with other people? Do you constantly think you're a victim?

    This Activation clears out the "drama" energies from your life and bring in more loving energies for you.

    Receiving this Activation allows you to:

    • Not allow small issues and annoyances of everyday life turn into a full-blown sources of drama
    • Create clear boundaries from people who come to you with complaints, gossips, and high dramas
    • Stay yourself out from social media wars
  • Karmic Loop Deactivation

    Have you run into the same frustrating situations again and again? Do you keep attracting the same type of people in your relationships? Do you always end up in the same kind of work environment? Or do you have personal issues that keep coming back no matter where you are in life?

    This Deactivation releases you from the karmic cycles and maladaptive patterns that keep you trapped, stuck, and stagnant. This addresses the negative issues and circumstances that you repeatedly experience, so you'll be able to continue to move forward in life.

    Receiving this Deactivation allows you to:

    • Break your karmic loop and end your negative cycles by becoming aware of your choices, by being conscious of your responses, and by being more accountable of your actions
    • Continue forward in your chosen path without having to repeat the same lessons over again and again
    • Be more in control of your life by making empowering choices that are aligned to your best and highest good
  • Prison Planet Deactivation

  • Victim Victimizer Deactivation

  • Sky Is Falling Deactivation

and more!

Discount: 91% Off

Total Value: $5,700

You Wealth Special Offer: $500

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30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on December 7, 2024

Special Added Bonus Expires Sunday at MidnightSpecial Added Bonus EXPIRED

Practitioners Training Introduction and Activations


Runtime: 1 Hour

Discover why Sacred Activations is the MOST POWERFUL, FASTEST WORKING, EASIEST MODALITY TO MASTER on the planet for upgrading your whole life.

In this video, you will receive 3 Sacred Geometry Activations:

Lord Metatron
Upgrade your DNA to its new crystalline form. Help you live on higher vibrations.
Moses Code
Activate Tree of Life Sacred Geometry in your body. Open your creative channel.
Christ Consciousness
Activate Flower of Life Sacred Geometry in your body. Open your heart space.

Discount: 91% Off

Total Value: $5,700

You Wealth Special Offer: $500

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30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on December 7, 2024

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)


I had some good manifestations the last two weeks with physical results. $11000 was deposited into my bank account in one day. Money makes me happy! Money is fun! I spent two hours today buying presents for my grandbabies and plants for my garden. I also paid $5000 towards the balance of my mortgage. It's a good day. I can't wait to see what comes next week!!!! HappyHealthy Tami

Dear Tamra, I am in awe! All my cells are bursting with energy and love!!! Thank you for making these miracles, these fantastic upgrades, positive changes possible! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Let's let the love shine on everyone and everything. Georgiana

Wow! Thank you so much for this amazing, amazing session! ❤️ Karen M

This brought me to tears, thank you Tamra ❤️; Femke Bakker

Wonderful money program that Tamra did. Helped me a lot this time. Thank you so much! Ezio Savva

Nicole Anthonio

Thank you so much, I feel all sparkly, light and feel so much inner happiness.

Very, very, very deep and powerful!!! I had tears in my eyes and I let go of tons of old stuff so thank you from the bottom of my heart for this new opportunity to grow, expand myself!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Georgiana Bacaianu

Thank You Tamra — So much PEACE Carla Marie

Thank you. Feeling like there is more there to clear, especially around creating. Grace Denton

Thank you so much, wonderful session!! Lorraine

Thank you, Tamra. That was very powerful. Dawn

This was huge today, I could see things happening, and watched the waves all ripple out…! Amazing! Thank you so much! Karen M

Grateful, many releases, tears and my heart feels lighter. Lisa Gray

Thank you that was amazing. Ginette

About Tamra Oviatt

Tamra Oviatt's headshot

Tamra Oviatt is the Founder of Sacred Activations, a Subconscious Metaprogramming Modality gifted to her by Source God Energy in 2012 at Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland. She received her very first Sacred Geometry Activation from Lord Metatron, along with the Sacred Golden Seals that allow her to give Activations on others.

She has recently won The Ommie Award as Best Alternative Healer and has been featured on OMTimes Magazine and Kindred Spirit Magazine covers. Also, her own show has been picked by Iheart Radio.

With 20 years of experience in energy healing and working with the Collective Earth Grids and the Leylines of the planet, Tamra is now a Master Teacher of 12 transformative Sacred Activations and Akashic Records classes and an author of 9 books. She has also appeared in over a hundred interviews and seminars, as well as on radio, TV shows, and podcasts.

Currently, she is hosting her own FREE weekly show, Metaprogramming in the Humanbiocomputer at OMTimes Media, where you can receive free Activations/Deactivations to help address issues in different areas of your life, apply for a free public 1-on-1 healing facilitation, and learn different techniques and tools from her guests to further help you heal, expand, and manifest the life you want.

Being a uniquely gifted Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive, and Galactic Channel, Tamra has always been destined to bring permanent healing, personal awakening, and positive transformation to people using the power of Sacred Activations.

About Sacred Activations

Sacred Activations, also called the Subconscious Metaprogramming Modality, is the EASIEST, FASTEST, and MOST POTENT process to rewire your brain, change your subconscious programs, clear negative core beliefs, and upgrade energy frequencies through the Source God Energy.

Because Subconscious metaprogramming is the most powerful way to take control of what you want to create and un-create in your life, Sacred Activations is now the most transformational healing modality available today, with over a thousand practitioners and teachers in more than 20 countries around the world and has helped hundreds of thousands of people in all walks of life.

91% Off

Special Offer by Tamra Oviatt

A Total Retail Value of $5,700

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $500

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30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after 11:59pm Eastern on December 7, 2024

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: youwealthrevolution@gmail.com); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.

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**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of Tamra Oviatt's package, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or until 11:59pm Eastern on June 21, 2024, which is before the live sessions begin (whichever comes first). However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of Tamra Oviatt's package, all requests for refunds must be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period or until 11:59pm Eastern on June 21, 2024 (whichever comes first). We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing youwealthrevolution@gmail.com.