IMPORTANT: Reserve Your Private Energy Session w/ Jill Mattson
(Limited Spaces Available)
REVEALED — The GOD GENE: Energy-Portals for Manifesting, Youthening & Soul Healing!
Discover the Divine Grand Design Reflected in the 'Music of the Spheres'
Fast Track Your Connection to Higher Dimensions with Heavenly Frequencies, God Genes, Circadian Codes and More!

In this extraordinary offer from Jill Mattson, you will:
- Discover how the Sun impacts your health by setting your internal clocks./
- Discover what phases of the moon are best for activities and healings.
Learn how to utilize the Circadian Code and adjust your body's clock/rhythms for powerful benefits, including:
- Restored full-night deeply restful sleep
- Renewed energy and vitality
- Weight loss and management
- Stress/Anxiety reduction
- Emotional balance and relationships
- Enhance intelligence, mental and job performance
- Access the frequency of the God Gene embedded in seventy minutes of original music.
- See the grand design reflected in the Music of the Spheres and benefit from Jill's new crystal tuning forks and invoke the energy of the Sun or Moon anytime you desire.
No Celestial Bodies Have Had More Impact on Mankind and Planet Earth Than the Sun and Moon

That the Sun & the Moon and other celestial bodies have direct influences on our Earth is easy to demonstrate. Consider the seasons caused by our Earth's movement around the Sun or the tides and the Moon's pull on our oceans. The Planets have more subtle effects on us, but critical, nevertheless. Jupiter regularly sweeps potentially deadly asteroids away from collisions with Earth. Small meteorite deposits from Mars are common occurrences. Further out, distant supernovae stars send intense streams of energy that can cause DNA mutations to living beings on Earth. There is a massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy that could pull our Solar System apart.

Beyond these purely physical interactions, the "Stars" have influenced mankind's thoughts, dreams, and religions since earliest times. Clearly, no celestial bodies have had more impact on mankind and planet Earth than the Sun & Moon. From the very beginning — when the first sentient animals gazed at the sky above — they inevitably saw the majestic "Father" Sun and the enchanted "Mother" Moon. These heavenly orbs are indelibly written into our earliest history and religions — carved into our very DNA. We have always taken clues from the sky for our seasons, our solstices, equinoxes … when to hunt and plant, when to head south… AND for our spiritual needs.
The Cycles of the Sun & Moon Control Our Internal Body Clocks

All life on our planet emerged and evolved under the primary influences of the Sun and the Moon. These celestial bodies enabled our original existence, and we are formed in their images. There are critical physical and spiritual aspects of us derived from our Star and our nearby Satellite. Jill will delve into our natural clocks and how important they are to our total well-being.
According to Satchin Panda, PhD, and author of The Circadian Code: The next revolution in health care will be to restore our body rhythms
. These changes to our internal cycles will deeply benefit us with better sleep, weight management, enhanced learning, and more effective exercise.
Proper changes to our body rhythms can be more impactful than drugs or diets. In 2017 a Nobel Prize was awarded for the discoveries of the importance of circadian rhythms to our bodies.
Some of the information that Jill covers includes:
- A faulty inner body clock is the mother of all disease. In most chronic illnesses the operation of the internal clock is compromised.
- Every organ has its own clock. When organs function regularly according to their proper rhythms good health results. Living contrary to natural rhythms leads to disease. One wrong rhythm can disrupt them all.
- The Sun impacts your health by correctly (or incorrectly) setting your internal clocks.
- Learn the best times for: eating, lights, sleep, and exercise for optimal results.
- Profound benefits to our sleep, energy levels, weight, performance, intelligence, and general state of health are possible.
- Living your life with Optimum Body Rhythms might fight or even prevent Alzheimer's and increase longevity.
The God Gene: Feel the Divine Energy and Soar

Jill Mattson has been composing musical collections for nearly 20 years where a special frequency or set of frequencies are embedded in a complex musical score. This is her secret sauce — where her musical training comes together with her long study of Sound and Ancient Civilizations. Collaborating with Sharry Edwards, renowned founder of BioAcoustics, Jill has produced 70 minutes of music for You Wealth listeners that contains the frequency for the God Gene.
Jill believes that through the phenomena of sound resonance, subtle energy transfer and frequency equivalents a listener can benefit instantly by being immersed in appropriate sound energies.
In the case of the God gene, Jill believes that the DNA (a gene named VMAT2) — that has been identified as tied to our natural desire for spirituality — can be strengthened, reinforced, and made more prominent by listening to the energetic equivalent of this gene. After consulting with Sharry Edwards, Jill has actually embedded three special frequencies into her music. In addition to the God Gene frequency, she includes the "activator" frequency for the God Gene and the frequency of a key protein associated with the God Gene. Together the three frequencies have maximum impact.
There are additional holistic benefits imparted from Jill's music. The instrumental compositions are emotionally fulfilling and calming. The listening experience is pleasant and uplifting. Listeners report a state of serenity and peace after their time with Jill's newest work.
The Music of the Spheres in Quartz
Sun and Moon Crystal Tuning Forks

All the Universe is a Wave! Everything is energy with a "characteristic frequency". The ultimate interaction that can occur when the right frequencies are brought together is resonance, which is a fundamental property of the universe — and a manifestation of what we are really working on here — The Music of the Spheres! It is truly a wonder that harmony exists on the very largest and smallest scales of this Universe. To attain this harmony, Jill was inspired to create The Sun and Moon Crystal Tuning Forks. Gain the majesty of our Star — the Sun — at your fingertips through its expression in a Quartz Tuning fork. Equally amazing, touch the soft mystery of our closest neighbor: Mother Moon.
The exact frequencies of the Sun and the Moon are not readily available… they cannot be heard on our pianos, or any standard musical instrument. To make the powerful frequencies of the Sun and the Moon accessible to all, Jill worked with a team of craftsmen — skilled in working with Quartz Crystal — to create two instruments (tuning forks) to produce these Celestial frequencies. The Sun frequency is strong and uplifting — energizing and empowering. The Sun is the master of our solar system — Dominant and masculine — it can give great resolve and power to those who absorb it. The Moon frequency is feminine and has a relaxing and deeply centering impact on the body. Both tuning forks create natural harmonics to resonate with the mind and body, allowing for an enduring deep and nourishing experience.
Tuning Forks Are the Best Means of Producing a Desired Vibrational Frequency

They are reliable, accurate and easy to use. The unique ability of crystal quartz to produce the purest frequencies is astonishing. Once struck, the matrix of quartz crystals vibrates in-sync releasing pure intonations that ring and resonate — maintaining harmonious energy for long intervals.
Made in the same tradition of other innovative Crystal Instruments — designed and commissioned for production by Jill Mattson — the Sun and Moon Tuning Forks are important new products for the serious Sound Healing Enthusiast or Professional.
These are heirloom quality and powerful; they are easy to use, and convenient to transport. The forks respectively are marked with a band of Gold for the Sun and a band of Silver for the Moon. They come boxed together in a decorative protective case.
Crystal Kingdom Has "Ascended" and It Has 5th Dimensional Consciousness

After many years of research and experimentation Jill has determined that Quartz Crystal is the absolute superior material to fashion tuning forks from. Everything has consciousness, but the Crystal Kingdom has "ascended", and it has 5th Dimensional consciousness. This higher consciousness deeply influences us when we listen to a crystal tuning fork and its 5th Dimensional harmonics.
To understand how Jill used the work of Pythagoras, Kepler, Cousto and others to come up with her Sun and Moon Crystal forks, try to visualize the motions of the Sun and the Moon as they can be considered sources of frequency… think of the simple, common experience of a violin.
Pluck a string of a violin, it vibrates back-and-forth creating a unique frequency (or tone) based on its length. The wave travels the length of the string then back; it generates a sound wave, which passes through the air to nearby listeners. In an analogous manner, when a celestial object — like our Moon — travels in its orbit around the earth, it traces out a wave. It is just like the wave that travels up and down the violin string (the frequency (or cycles-per-unit-of-time) for the moon is 1 lunar cycle per 27.3 days). Of course, due to the sizes and distances involved with the celestial bodies, the frequency produced by the Moon on its journey through space is much lower than our experiences with violins or other earthly sources. However, by using the magic of octaves we can raise the basic frequencies of the Sun and the Moon to be within the range of our human senses… preserving their essence.
Celestial Frequencies, God Genes, Circadian Codes, and More…
Benefit from Jill's New Crystal Tuning Forks and Invoke the Energy of the Sun and Moon Anytime You Desire!

Option 1
Item 1: The Energy of the Sun
Value: $297
6 Videos
Total Runtime: 1 Hour, 1 Minute

Jill has prepared this comprehensive video series to guide you through some specific ways to utilize the Sun's energy and its benefits.
The Sun's Energy and Its Benefits
Learn about the God of the God. How ancient people identified the changing energies and gifts of the sun throughout the day and seasons. Learn to use these energies to empower your goals!
The Sun Altar and Using the Sun and Orange Juice
The benefits of rituals to the sun, building an altar to the sun with the ancient understandings, methods, and ingredients. Use the vitality of Oranges to amplify your intentions and kick start Manifesting by using the energy of the morning sun for great success!
Using the Noon Sun
Recalibrate your Sacred Light Body and personal Energies with the Energy of the Noon Sun.
Noon Elixir, Manifesting Using the Sunset Energy
Creating an elixir of the sun's vitality to use in your daily life. Amplifying by using the energy of the setting sun to fortify and empower your manifesting. Using the setting sun to create a trance to receive a special message from your spirit animal.
Recalibrating Your Light Body with the Morning Sun
Ascension is about raising all energies from this life, childhood, past lives, and energy stored in our subconscious minds. Use the power of the morning sun and breathwork to induce a trance and gather your energies of past trauma, transmute them, and receive!
The Sun God
Join Jill to learn about the Sun God, Helios, and listen to Helios and Vesta's channeling!
Item 2: Using Mother Moon's Energies
Value: $297
6 Videos
Total Runtime: 1 Hour, 9 Minutes
Watch and listen as Jill guides you through the Lunar Cycle and how to use Mother Moon's energies.

Discussed in each of these masterfully prepared videos are some specific ways to utilize Luna's energy and Her various phases including:
- Use certain phases of the moon for maximum support and effect for appropriate activities — for example use the Moon's soft energy and ancient movements to sleep deeper and longer.
- Moon energy is feminine, gentle, forgiving, nurturing. Invoke Moon energies through deep concentration/meditation when you want to achieve these states (Alternately use Mattson's Crystal Moon Tuning Fork to access Moon energy instantly).
- Achieve Lucid dreaming & utilize Moon energy for manifesting.
- Learn how the Goddess of the Moon, Hathor, altered Reiki light for far greater healing.
- Enter altered states to select the life that you desire by experiencing the future possibilities.
The Moon
Learn all about the wondrous moon. Did you know that your garden can grow much better if you consider how the moon affects your flowers, fruits, and vegetables? The ancient priests of the Temple of the Moon taught how to live in harmony with the moon, using her various phases for specific endeavors — with success in every area of your life.
Lucid Dreaming & Using the Energies of the Moon for Manifesting!
Use a lucid dreaming state to solve problems, brainstorm ideas, connect with departed Loved Ones and try new adventures! Learn how!
Fast Track Ascension with the Full Moon Energies!
Directly connect with the energetic blueprint of your highest possible life and recalibrate to it! Select the best life that you can possibly desire by experiencing the future possibilities.
Releasing Weight, Addictions and Bad Habits with the Waning Moon's Energies
Use the energy of the waning moon to carry away our bad habits and things that do not serve us!
Astrology and the Moon
The ancient concept of time was an energy to be used for your benefit. We attribute certain times to certain feelings but fail to use these times for beneficial purposes. Think of ascension and healing on every level as living in harmony with the sun and the moon.
Hathor Sound and Color Healing
Learn how to turn over control of your voice to your subconscious mind to generate tones for healing yourself and others. First, amplify this with various techniques, such as sacred geometry, crystals, colors, flexible movements, and copper tape. Then, use this technique on yourself or others for precise tonal healing benefits.
The Ancient Hathors have been called the same names as the goddess of the ancient Hebrews and Canaanites. This goddess was celestial and feminine. Learn how the Hathors opened chakras in their fingertips to give off colored light, to add to the toning process for more advanced healing than reiki.
Item 3: Circadian Rhythms
Value: $77
Runtime: 19 Minutes

Learn the scientific truth about the impact of the circadian rhythms on your health. Then, see how people hoping to reverse chronic diseases, slow aging, sleep soundly, lose weight (and more) are syncing with natural rhythms for astonishing health benefits.
Learn how to hack your body's rhythmic codes and reset them to make everything in life more manageable. Lose weight, reverse chronic disease, and maintain your energy for optimum vitality and restful sleep with ease.
Item 4: The God Gene
Value: $147
18 MP3s
Total Runtime: 1 Hour, 10 Minutes

Collaborating with Sharry Edwards, renowned founder of BioAcoustics, Jill has produced seventy minutes of music exclusive to You Wealth that contain the frequency for the God Gene.
The God Gene was scientifically discovered in 2004. When we have this gene, we exhibit a high degree of spirituality and enjoy mystical experiences! Awaken by listening and absorbing the energetic equivalent of this gene!
This experience relieves pain, activates your chi energy, and expands your light body! Feel the divine energy and soar!
Jill believes that through the phenomena of sound resonance, subtle energy transfer and frequency equivalents a listener can benefit instantly by being immersed in appropriate sound energies. In the case of the God gene, Jill believes that the DNA (a gene named VMAT2) — that has been identified as tied to our natural desire for spirituality — can be strengthened, reinforced, and made more prominent by listening to the energetic equivalent of this gene. Jill has actually embedded three special frequencies into her music. In addition to the God Gene frequency, she includes the "activator" frequency for the God Gene and the frequency of a key protein associated with the God Gene. Together the three frequencies have maximum impact.
There are additional holistic benefits imparted from Jill's music. The instrumental compositions are emotionally fulfilling and calming. The listening experience is pleasant and uplifting. Listeners report a state of serenity and peace after their time with Mattson's newest work.
The God Gene Collection includes 18 audios:
- Always God
- Broken Chords
- Child of God
- Edge of the Midst
- Faded Roses
- Faery Music
- Happy Free
- Happy Place
- Heavens Call
- Inner Child
- Journey of the Sun
- My Soul
- New Day
- Peace To You
- River Ride
- Skipping Stones
- Song of the Valley
- Sunrise
You Will Also Receive

90-Minute Masterclass with Jill
Value: $300
Instant Access
Connections Within & Above —
Energy Treats and Secrets from the Heavens
Join Jill for an incredible 90-minute Masterclass where you'll discover and experience the Energy Treats and Learn Secrets from the Ancient Temples of the Sun and Moon.

- Glimpse into the future (1 week, 1 year and 5 years) to get energy and advice from your higher self.
- Learn to control your astral body to release pain, access protection and healing energy from above.
- Access your physical blueprint from when you were 19 years old to resonate and amplify your personal youthful frequencies for a renewing energy treatment.
and much more!

Add a 30-Minute Private Session with Jill — $127
Option 2
Includes everything in Option 1, PLUS:
Item 5: Sun and Moon Crystal Tuning Forks
Value: $349
** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **
The Music of the Spheres!
The Sun and Moon Crystal Tuning Forks

All the Universe is a Wave! Everything is energy with a "characteristic frequency". The ultimate interaction that can occur when the correct frequencies are brought together is resonance, which is a fundamental property of the universe — and a manifestation of what we are really working on here — The Music of the Spheres! It is truly a wonder that harmony exists on the very largest and smallest scales of this Universe. The Sun & Moon Crystal Tuning Forks are unique instruments for reaching this harmony. Gain the majesty of our Star — the Sun — at your fingertips through its expression in a Quartz Tuning fork. Equally amazing, touch the soft mystery of our closest neighbor: Mother Moon.
Made in the same tradition of other innovative Crystal Instruments — designed and commissioned for production by Jill Mattson — the Sun & Moon Tuning Forks are essential new products for the serious Sound Healing Enthusiast or Professional. These are heirloom quality and powerful; they are easy to use and convenient to transport. The forks, respectively, are marked with a band of Gold for the Sun and a band of Silver for the Moon. They come boxed together in a decorative protective case.
The sound spreads its smooth waves and perfect tuning that results in beautiful harmonics. It has a fixed tuning that will last, making this Singing Drum perfect for novice and experienced players alike.

Some Basic Applications for the Sun and Moon Crystal Forks:
- Use the Sun frequency to energize and uplift.
- The Sun Energy can aid confidence and stamina, growth of physical
- Strengths.
- Put your Sun Tuning Fork outside to soak in the Sunshine at certain.
- seasons of the year… gaining fine-tuned benefits… consider the Solstice when the Sun is highest in the Heavens, also the Spring & Fall Equinoxes. Noon sunshine is different from sunrise or sunset.
- Tune your internal clocks and circadian rhythms with both Sun & Moon Frequencies.
- Use the Moon fork to relieve stress, relax and sedate — calm down.
- For some, sleep can be greatly enhanced with the Moon Tone.
- Soften harsh emotions and states of consciousness with the Mansions of the Moon, with her healing and tones to release pain and sorrow.
- Night ceremonies are enhanced with the Moon frequency and so are contacts with certain ethereal beings.
- Leave the Moon fork out overnight during the Full Moons, new moon waning and waxing moon… each time your beautiful crystal fork captures slightly different healing energy.
- Any Astrological work where the main influences are due to the Sun, or the Moon can be more effective with the presence of these Crystal Instruments.
Item 6: Using the Sun and Moon Tuning Forks
Value: $297
10 Videos
Total Runtime: 1 Hour, 3 Minutes

Watch and feel better as you learn! Jill has included this 10-part video series, so you maximize the benefits of these beautiful tuning forks.
Use them to reduce pain, destress, balance energies, improve sleep and heal!
You'll delight in having access to Jill's caring teaching style as she demonstrates how to use these beautiful tools.
The Sun Fork: Using the Solar Plexus to Build Your Light Body
Learn how to measure your auras and the light in each chakra. Use this measurement to demonstrate how much energy Sun Crystal fork creates in your solar plexus. Then, use this solar energy in your solar plexus to build your light body!
The Moon Fork: Sleep, Movement and Manifesting
Amplify chi gong with the Crystal Moon fork. Use the Moon Crystal Fork for manifesting and to aid sleep. Also, use the Moon sound to open chakras above your head.
The Sun and the Rainbow
Use the Sun Fork and learn about the ancient religions of the sun! Use The Crystal Sun fork to amplify your light body, finding all spots of density and clearing them. Use the sun fork to enlighten your aura, aiding the ascension process.
Sacred Geometry and the Sun and Moon Forks
Find dark spots in your aura and get rid of them. (The dark spots will make you feel bad.) Using body movements to invigorate your aura for an uplifting, emotional cleanse. Learn about the frequencies of shapes and things in nature. Combine these with techniques for clearing negative energy with the Sun and Moon Crystal Tuning Forks!
Balancing Energies in Your Brain Hemispheres for Whole Brain Functioning
Balancing the energies in your brain hemispheres for whole brain functioning and improving brain subtle energy flow.
Using Your Forks… When They Are Not Present
Measure your aura to verify the impact of its sound and crystal energy. Then observe how you can command and use their energy when you don't have your Crystal Forks with you.
The Moon Fork for Healing
Use Energy of the Moon Fork for body healing. Reduce pain and de-stress.
The Sun & Moon and Acupressure Points
Use the Sun and Moon Crystal forks to clear the body's meridians as acupuncture does. In addition, use the tuning forks to access healing through acupressure points of the hands, feet, and ear.
Capturing the Changing Energies of the Sun and Moon
Energies of the sun and moon change as the day progresses, as well as the days of the month. Use these ever-giving gifts, which change for beneficial purposes, whenever we need them.
Ancient Sun and Moon Sacred Movements
Two movement sequences connect your energy and the sun & moon. Add your beautiful tones to these sacred movements for an uplifting spa!

Add an additional set of Sun/Moon Tuning Forks — $227
Plus Shipping: $20 US / $50 International
Option 3
Includes everything in Options 1 and 2, PLUS:
Item 7: 30-Minute Private Session with Jill
Value: $225
Via Phone or Skype
A Compelling Reading and Potent Energy Healing!

Do you need Energy Healing? Blockage Removal? Higher Energy Activations?
Spend 30 minutes in a private one-on-one session with Jill Mattson and receive complete individual access to Jill's help on any topic that you want to explore. Enjoy a past life reading from Atlantis, ancient Egypt, your Star Family, or whatever era you are attracted to!
If you wish, Jill channels Angels and Masters to give you healing energies.
Perhaps, take a trip into your Akashic Records, perceive the deeper understandings of today's issues, eliminate karma, and remove problems from past lives that cause current problems. Leave energies that you want to manifest in your energy fields.
Have an Angel, Ascended Masters, Planetary Being, Atlantean Master, Jesus, Isis, or whomever you choose to channel your session. These masters will also do energy work on you for your physical body, emotional issue, or situation.
Ask personal questions. Ask details about your life purpose. Ask about past life problems that are triggering today's issues. What fun, illumination, and a blessing!
Jill will channel Angels, Masters and guides for YOU and More!

Add an additional set of Sun/Moon Tuning Forks — $227
Plus Shipping: $20 US / $50 International
Star Dust
8 MP3s
Total Runtime: 58 Minutes

Star Dust consists of original scores entirely written and performed by Jill Mattson. The collection features complex music strewn with beneficial vibrations from the heavens and from ancient masters. The net effect is harmonic music with intriguing multidimensional frequencies.
There is a wonderful, embedded sound that resembles wind chimes, with pitches unable to be heard on our musical instruments of today. The additional complexity due to the Planet tones gives great peacefulness and helps take us back to our heavenly roots.
Jill studied the work of Hans Cousto and utilized his methods to derive the frequencies of the Sun, the Earth, and other Planets. She increased the frequencies of these celestial bodies by successive octaves until the sound was in the range audible to the human ear. These frequencies were then recorded as a component of all the Star Dust tracks. Similar techniques were used to add the frequencies for the elements: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon and Nitrogen to Stardust. These happen to be the most plentiful elements in the Stars and the most plentiful elements in our bodies! We truly are one with the entire Universe.
This album has 8 tracks:
- Always
- Children
- Peace to You
- It's Time to Go
- David's Song
- You're in the Air
- Softly Sleeping
- You're in Me
About Jill Mattson

Jill Mattson is a prolific Musician, Composer, Author and Intuitive. A professionally trained musician, Jill is a widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound Healing! She has produced eleven CDs with intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques, & special healing frequencies… many listeners claim they achieve profound benefits. Jill is a four-time author; her books and musical compositions have won numerous awards: (DNA Dreams CD, COVR Silver award winner in 2020, Crystal Realms CD—Best Sound Healing CD of 2017, Best Overall Music (popular Vote and Industry Leader's Choice—Gold Awards), The Lost Waves of Time—Best Book of 2016 and Best Alternative Science book of 2016, Deep Wave Body Healing CD—Best Sound Healing CD of 2016, Contacting Angels & Masters CD—Best CD of 2015 and Deep Wave Beauty CD—Best New Age CD—Silver Award. Jill has been featured on many hundreds of workshops, tele-seminars, radio shows and magazines! She offers an online Sound Healing School. Jill presents new ways of approaching health and everyday issues using the benefits of sound!
Jill has been able to combine three forces in her life for profound results: Her love of music, a deep intuitive spirituality, and many years studying Ancient Civilizations. Integrating these three pillars — her life's work — have benefitted and enlightened many.
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**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of Jill Mattson's package, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or before the private session has occurred (whichever comes first). However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of Jill Mattson's package, all requests for refunds must be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period, or before the private session has occurred(whichever comes first). We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.
**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing